Panel Advisors and Observers

This page describes the role of panel advisors and observers during the JWST peer review process. In the course of the JWST panel meetings, other personnel may visit panels during the deliberation process to provide advice, monitor discussions and provide logistical support.

On this page


Panel Advisors are STScI staff who are called in to panel meetings to answer questions related to JWST proposals.

  • Members of the Instruments Division (INS) are available to answer technical questions on instrument capabilities and performance;
  • Members of the Scheduling Group are available to answer questions regarding the execution of observing programs;
  • Members of the Science Policy Group are available to answer questions regarding policy issues raised during the proposal discussion.

Panel Support Scientists are provided with contact information and will call in advisors with the appropriate expertise. The advisor will address the issue raised by the panel, if necessary calling on additional expertise. The advisor will not comment in any way on the scientific case made by the proposal.

Advisors may be participants in JWST proposals as Principal Investigators or co-Investigators or have some other conflicts; if so, they will be excluded from visiting the panel(s) that will be discussing those proposals.


Panel Observers are STScI and external personnel who are charged with monitoring the panel deliberations. In addition to members of the STScI Science Policy Group, observers include

  • Representatives from NASA Headquarters and the JWST Project at Goddard Space Flight Center
  • Representatives of the Canadian Space Agency
  • Representatives of the European Space Agency
  • The STScI Director, Deputy Director and Associate Director for Science. 
  • Science Mission Office Head and Deputies. 
  • Members of the ESA Office at STScI.
  • Members of the JWST Mission Office at STScI.

Webex will log the visiting times of observers for each panel. Observers will not participate in the discussion at any of the panel meetings.

Observers may be participants in JWST proposals as Principal Investigators or co-Investigators or have some other conflicts; if so, they will be excluded from visiting the panel(s) that will be discussing those proposals.

Logistical support

Members of the Event Planning Group (EPG), WASABI (Tool Developers) and the Information Technology Services Division (ITSD) are available to provide support during the panel meeting. The Panel Support Scientist has contact information and will call in representatives as required.

Notable updates

Originally published