Pandeia Guides and Examples
A compilation of links to the JWST Pandeia coding guides across the entire tutorial, links to Pandeia code samples found elsewhere, and complete guides that have been specifically requested, are provided in this article.
On this page
Guides linked here have been confirmed to work on the version of Pandeia covered by this tutorial as of when they were linked. If a guide linked from here provides inaccurate information, please contact us via the JWST Helpdesk Portal.
Coding guides
Installing Pandeia
Complete Pandeia observation
- Creating and observing a scene (quickstart)
- Displaying SNR as a function of location on detector
- Displaying SNR as a function of wavelength for long slit spectroscopy
Creating Pandeia Scenes
- Creating and normalizing a flat spectrum source
- Creating a blackbody source
- Creating a background spectrum using JBT
- Adding a custom galaxy spectrum
- Creating a slitless spectroscopy observation with multiple sources
- Creating a redshifted galaxy with an included emission line
Running Pandeia inside loops
- Determining saturation as a function of flux for MIRI coronography
- Determining time to reach a desired SNR for NIRCam imaging
- Determining observation dates with lowest background rate