Submission Process for Joint JWST Proposals where the Partner Observatory is Prime

This page describes the two-stage submission process for Joint JWST Proposals where the Partner Observatory (ALMA, Chandra, Hubble, NRAO or XMM) is prime and JWST is secondary. 

The first step is the submission of the proposal through the Partner Observatory Call for Proposals. This step requires a scientific justification and high-level description of the JWST observations following the guidelines in the Partner Observatory Call for Proposals.

The second step is the Submission via APT of the APT file and a PDF attachment with an Extended JWST Scientific and Technical Justification for Joint Programs. Proposers must provide STScI with an APT file that provides a full description of the proposed JWST observations. This is to allow STScI staff to conduct a go/no-go assessment before the Partner Observatory TAC meets to evaluate the proposal. This requirement applies to all Joint JWST programs approved by the ALMA, Chandra, Hubble, NRAO & XMM TACs.  The APT file and associated technical information must be submitted via APT no later than two weeks after the Partner Observatory proposal deadline has passed. The information is as follows:

  • The APT file with the detailed observations. The proposal must have the same Title and Abstract as in the Partner Observatory proposal, adding the Partner Observatory ID to the Abstract so it can be matched to the Partner Observatory program. Proposers should make sure that they the mark the APT coversheet using the menu that expand out corresponding to "Coordinated telescopes", providing all the requested information.  For Cycle 4, APT has a new flag on the same line as the proposal Category: when JWST is secondary, you are prompted to identify the primary observatory and provide the primary proposal ID. 
  • A PDF attachment with an Extended JWST Scientific and Technical Justification for Joint Programs. The latter should be provided using this template. This text expands upon the information included in the Partner Observatory proposal and is required for the technical review. Proposers should not attach the entire Partner Observatory proposals to their submission, only the PDF attachment and the Extended JWST Scientific and Technical Justification for Joint Programs

Notable updates

Originally published