JWST ETC Workbooks Overview

The JWST Exposure Time Calculator (ETC) organizes calculations in workbooks that can be saved for future use and shared with colleagues. Workbooks can be further organized into folders. Sample workbooks are available to help users get started.

Video Tutorial:  ETC Workbooks

The JWST ETC provides a wide variety of sample and example science program workbooks for users to explore the available parameter options for every observing mode. The ETC also enables collaboration through the process of sharing workbooks with other registered users. This workflow is simple to use and allows a range of options for sharing, from read-only to write access.

List of articles

  1. JWST ETC Using the Sample Workbooks: Details for making use of sample and example science program workbooks.
  2. JWST ETC Sharing Workbooks: Description of how to share workbooks with other registered users.

Notable updates
    Video link added.
Originally published