NIRCam Grism Time-Series APT Template

Instructions for designing JWST NIRCam grism time-series observations using APT, the Astronomer's Proposal Tool, are provided in this article.

Starting in Cycle 4 (APT 2024.5) the template offers slitless grism spectroscopy in the short wavelength channel as well as in the long wavelength channel. See NIRCam Short Wavelength Grism Time Series


On this page

See also: NIRCam Grism Time SeriesNIRCam Short Wavelength Grism Time Series, JWST Time-Series Observations RoadmapNIRCam Time-Series Observation Recommended StrategiesNIRCam Grism Time-Series Observations of GJ 436b and NIRCam Short Wavelength Grism Time Series Observing Strategies

Grism time series is one of the 5 NIRCam observing modes and one of 2 NIRCam time-series observing modes. Each mode has a corresponding template in APT for users to design their observing programs.

This mode uses only module A, with the GRISMR element in the long wavelength channel (2.4–5.0 µm). The LW grism is paired with either one of the NIRCam weak lenses, or (new for Cycle 4) with the Dispersed Hartmann Sensor (DHS) grisms in the short wavelength channel (0.6–2.3 µm). The SW and LW data are obtained simultaneously.

No telescope moves (dithering nor mosaics) are allowed during NIRCam time-series observations.

Lists of allowed values for each input parameter are documented and maintained in the NIRCam Grism Time-Series Imaging Template Parameters article.

Step-by-step APT instructions are provided below.


Generic parameters

Words in bold are GUI menus/
panels or data software packages; 
bold italics are buttons in GUI
tools or package parameters.

The following parameters are generic to all templates, and are not discussed in this article: observation Number, observation Labelobservations CommentsTarget name, ETC Wkbk. Calc ID (in the Filters dialog box), Mosaic Properties, and Special Requirements.

NIRCam Grism Time Series tab

SW Channel Mode selector

This is a new selector available starting with Cycle 4. If IMAGING is selected, the template works as it has in previous cycles: the LW grism is paired with weak lens imaging in the SW channel. If GRISM is selected the SW channel will be configured with the Dispersed Hartman Sensor (DHS) grisms, which provide spectra of the target. For details on how the SW DHS grisms work in coordination with the LW grism for time-series observations, see NIRCam Short Wavelength Grism Time Series.

If an older proposal is used as a template for a new proposal that will use the DHS grisms, users must set the Cycle to 4 (or greater) on the Proposal Information form in APT. Failure to do the first will prevent the SW Channel Mode selector from appearing on the Grism Time Series Observation Template. If the older template proposal was accepted, the Proposal ID will also have to be deleted from the new proposal.

Target Acquisition Parameters

Target ACQ

See also: NIRCam Grism Time-Series Target Acquisition, JWST ETC NIRCam Target Acquisition

Users can opt to do target acquisition (TA) on the science target or a nearby object. Target acquisition (TA) occurs with a 32 × 32 pixel subarray on the long wavelength channel of module A located near the grism field positions. If the SW Channel Mode selector is set to IMAGING, the TA subarray (and science subarrays) is located near the -V3 edge of the LW detector; if it is set to GRISM the TA subarray (and science subarrays) is located near the center of that detector (see Figure 1). Other than using different TA subarrays, all other TA parameters are the same regardless of the SW Channel Mode value.

A target acquisition object other than the science target should be defined in the Targets form in order for it to appear in the  Acq Target  pull-down menu. If the science target is used for target acquisition, set the Target Acq field to Same Target as Observation.

The filter for TA is set using the Acq Filter pulldown. The F405N filter is used to perform TA on very bright targets that would saturate if observed with the F335M filter. Saturation limits should be assessed using the ETC.

Figure 1. Target acquisition subarray locations and science field points

Depending on whether the LW grism is paired with SW grism or SW imaging, the target acquisition (TA) will be executed using different 32 × 32 pixel subarrays, indicated above in yellow (SW imaging pairing) or cyan (SW grism pairing). The 2 TA subarrays share similar X-axis location, but have different Y location, driven by the need of placing the DHS spectra towards the center of the A module, on all 4 SW detectors. Consequently, the Y-axis destination of the post-target acquisition slew will be different (star symbols). Selected grism subarrays are shown in black. The TA pointing is centered on the TA subarray (yellow or cyan squares). To ensure that the spectrum falls completely on the LW detector, the target is placed at either of 2 locations in the dispersion direction. When F277W, F322W2, or F356W are used on the LW channel, TA places the target towards the right of the LW detector (yellow or cyan stars on the right), when F444W is used the target is placed towards the left of the LW detector (yellow or cyan stars on the left).

Acq Exposure Time

Please consult the Exposure Time Calculator (ETC). A signal-to-noise ratio of 30 or higher is recommended to obtain a centroid accuracy of 0.1 pixel for the TA source. Saturating any pixels is also not recommended.

Acq Readout Pattern: The NIRCam detectors are read out continuously using readout patterns. Patterns with longer exposure times typically average more frames to reduce data volume (which is less of a concern for subarrays).

Acq Groups/Int: This value is the number of groups to include during an integration. Each group results in a saved image, which may be averaged from multiple frames (reads), depending on the readout pattern. 

Only one integration per exposure is permitted.

Grism Time Series Parameters

While many of the menus and parameter fields in the template are the same regardless of whether SW Channel Mode is IMAGING or GRISM, in several instances the available values are completely different depending on that setting. Where there are differences, they will be described separately with an informational note that there is a dependence.


See also: NIRCam Detector Subarrays, NIRCam Multistripe Subarrays

Available subarrays depend on whether SW Channel Mode is set to IMAGING or GRISM.

Subarrays for the Grism Time Series template have the same number of columns (2048 in all cases) and rows of pixels on each of the active detectors. Because of the difference in pixel scale in the SW and LW channels the dimensions on-sky are about 1/2 as large in the SW channel relative to the LW channel.

Subarrays for SW Channel Mode = IMAGING

In this case, detectors A1, A3 and ALong are read out, and observers can choose to use the full detector or more quickly read out much smaller detector subarrays; the subarrays provide brighter saturation limits in each integration.

The SW subarrays are centered vertically within the long wavelength subarray's footprint on the sky.

Note that the weak lenses WLP4 and WLP8 produce defocused images roughly 66 and 140 pixels across, respectively. Therefore, WLP8 images would be significantly truncated by the smallest subarray SUBGRISM64.

Table 1. Subarrays characteristics for SW Channel Mode = IMAGING


Size in pixels
Nrows × Ncolumns 

FOV (A1 & A3 SCAs)


time (s)

No. of output channels

FULL2048 × 2048

64" ×  64"

129" × 129"42.23000
SUBGRISM256256 × 20488.1" × 64"16.6" × 129"


SUBGRISM128128 × 20484.1" × 64"8.1" × 129"2.67800
SUBGRISM6464 × 20482.0" × 64"4.0" × 129"1.35960

Subarrays for SW Channel Mode = GRISM

See also: NIRCam Multistripe Subarrays. and NIRCam Short Wavelength Grism Time Series

In this case, all 5 module A detectors are read out, and only subarrays (not full-frame) are available. An advantage of these subarrays over those in Table 1 is that all of these include 4 rows of reference pixels.

The three larger subarrays in this mode are split into multiple "substripes" as indicated in Table 2, below. The SW channel substripes sample 2, 4 or 8 of the DHS spectra, while on the LW detector a single substripe, centered on the single grism spectrum, is read out each time one of the SW substripes is read out. 

All of these subarrays have stripe sizes that are smaller than the subarray sizes available when SW Channel Mode = IMAGING, so the bright limits are brighter when the SW channel is configured with the DHS grisms.

Table 2. Subarray characteristics for SW Channel Mode = GRISM


APT Name
(ETC Subarray name)

Stripe size in pixels
Nrows* × Ncolumns 

Short-wavelength FOV per stripe
(SCAs A1 - A4)

Long-wavelength stripe FOV 

# Substripes per SCA

#  SW Spectra sampled
Subarray frame time (tFrame)


36 x 2048

1.1" x 64"

2.3" x 129"




38 x 2048

1.2" x 64"

2.4" x 129"

39 x 2048

1.2" x 64"

2.5" x 129"

63 x 20482.0" x 64"4.0" x 129"481.34669

* Nrows excludes 4 rows of reference pixels that are read prior to reading the substripe(s). The stripe time is given by (tFrame - 0.02096 s) / nStripes.
. Refer to the "Multistripe timing equations" section in NIRCam Multistripe Subarrays for full detail.

Number of output channels

See also: NIRCam Detector ReadoutJWST Data Volume and Data Excess

Subarrays with 2048 columns, as all grism time series subarrays do, may be read out through a single output channel or more quickly through 4 output channels simultaneously. The latter produces roughly 4 times as much data for a given exposure time, and allows non-saturating integrations on targets about 4 times (1.5 magnitudes) brighter. Data rates and data volumes are calculated by APT and warnings occur if certain thresholds are crossed due to limited down-link bandwidth (see JWST Data Volume and Data Excess).

When SW Channel Mode is IMAGING, either 1 or 4 output channels can be selected; when it is GRISM, 4 output channels are used because they are only expected to be used for the very brightest targets, and those will saturate in the LW channel unless 4 outputs are used.

Number of exposures

Multiple exposures may be performed in sequence to increase the total length of the time series observation. Each exposure is executed as defined in the remaining sections below, with only very short interruptions between the exposures. No reconfigurations of the subarrays, pupil or filter wheels, or changes in pointing occur between these exposures.

In APT, this section is named Exposures/Dith (exposures per dither) for consistency with other observing modes, even though no dithering is allowed in this mode.

Short pupil + filter

Available short wavelength pupil and filter choices depend on whether SW Channel Mode is set to IMAGING or GRISM

When SW Channel Mode is IMAGING, the SW channel must be configured using a weak lens (these are elements included in NIRCam to enable phasing of the primary mirror segments). Two weak lenses are available :

  • WLP8 (8 waves of defocus at 2.12 µm)
  • WLP4 + F212N2 (4 waves of defocus at 2.12 µm; coupled to a 2.12 µm narrowband filter with a 2.3% bandpass)

The weak lenses defocus incoming light, mitigating uncertainties (jitter and flat fields) and allowing for observations of brighter objects before saturation in a given integration time.

WLP4 includes a narrowband filter similar to F212N, but with a 2.3% bandpass (compared to the 1% bandpass F212N filter). WLP4 + F212N2 is used in combination with the CLEAR element in the pupil wheel.

WLP8 is located in the pupil wheel and can be used in combination with one of a variety of medium- or narrowband filters as shown in the table below.

Short wavelength pupil wheelShort wavelength filter wheel
WLP8F070W, F0140M, F182M, F187N, F210M, or F212N

WLP4 + F212N2

When SW Channel Mode is GRISM, the SW channel will be configured with the GDHS0 element in the pupil wheel, which can be paired with several blocking filters in the filter wheel as shown in the table below. See the NIRCam Short Wavelength Grism Time Series article for more details on the sensitivity and saturation limits for the various combinations.

Short wavelength pupil wheelShort wavelength filter wheel
GDHS0F070W, F090W, F115W, F150W, F150W2, F200W

Long pupil + filter

The row dispersion grism GRISMR (in the pupil wheel) is used in combination with a wide long wavelength filter (in the filter wheel): F277W, F322W2, F356W, or F444W. See NIRCam Grism Time Series for more details.

Exposure time

See also: Understanding JWST Exposure Times

Each exposure is defined as a Readout Pattern, number of groups (Groups/Int), and number of integrations (Integrations/Exp). The resulting Total Exposure Time is reported. This readout configuration applies to both wavelength channels (short and long); the observations are obtained simultaneously using a dichroic.

Users should consult the Exposure Time Calculator (ETC) to achieve a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio for their science without saturating during each integration. Approximate saturation limits may be found in the NIRCam Grism Time Series article.

Each group yields saved data. Each integration accumulates charge for its duration, preceded and followed by detector resets. Shorter integrations may prevent saturation. Saturated sources may be recovered (unsaturated) in earlier groups during the integration.

Each exposure is performed without moving the telescope nor any mechanisms, with one exception; exposures of more than 10,000 s are permitted in this observing mode, but users are warned that the high gain antenna (HGA) may need to move during a longer exposure. That movement has an impact on pointing stability lasting approximately 60 s during which light curve scatter can be increased. An analysis of commissioning data indicates that the target location on the detector is restored to 1 mas following an HGA move (Schlawin et al., 2022). 

Other tabs

Special Requirements

A variety of observatory level Special Requirements may be chosen under the Special Requirements tab. 

When NIRCam is used in the time-series mode, two special requirements are automatically included and required: Time Series Observation and No Parallel. Users are encouraged to determine Phase limits by making use of the ExoCTK's Phase Constraint Calculator.

Mosaics are not available for NIRCam time-series imaging.


The Comments field (under the Comments tab) should be used for observing notes.



Schlawin, Everett, et al., 2022, PASP, 135, 018001
JWST NIRCam defocused imaging: photometric stability performance and how it can sense mirror tilts.

Notable updates
    Updated page to include information about new SW grism time-series mode

  • Figure 1 was updated to reflect the referenced location of the spectra. FULLP subarray was replaced with FULL

    Corrected frame times for Grism time series Noutputs = 1

  • Updated the TA figure to include the FULL array field points.
Originally published