JWST Imaging Roadmap
A roadmap to guide users, step-by-step, through the process of designing a JWST imaging observing program using NIRCam, NIRISS or MIRI, is provided in this article.
On this page
Each step listed below is followed by a list of articles with additional details.
Preliminary considerations
- Choose the instrument(s) suitable for your science based on needed wavelength coverage and science goals.
NIRCam is the primary near-infrared imager for JWST. However, there are science cases in which a user may prefer to use NIRISS imaging:
- NIRISS is more sensitive to low surface brightness features between 0.8–2.5 μm than NIRCam, which is applicable to science goals like studying galactic tidal tails at "cosmic noon" (z ~ 2), due to the larger pixel scale of 0.066"/pixel compared with the pixel scale of NIRCam short wavelength channel (0.031"/pixel).
- NIRISS offers a "simple" field of view of 2.2' × 2.2' while NIRCam offers 2 modules each covering 2.2' × 2.2' with a 44" gap between modules, and 4"–5" gaps between detectors within each module in the short-wavelength channel. For cases where the position of a target is not known to great accuracy (e.g., tens of arc seconds), such as target of opportunity requests to identify electromagnetic counterparts to gravitational wave sources, NIRISS may be preferable to optimize observation planning. Without precise astrometry, observations with NIRCam run the risk of the target of interest falling in a detector or module gap.
- For science programs using the NIRISS WFSS mode, a direct image is taken before and after each set of grism exposures in a filter. Some observers may choose to take additional imaging exposures in filters in which they do not take grism exposures. NIRISS imaging in this case would optimize both the science return, by using the same instrument set-up as the WFSS observations, and observing efficiency, by saving on observatory overheads associated with switching to another instrument.
NIRCam Imaging (0.6–5.0 μm), NIRCam Imaging Recommended Strategies
NIRISS Imaging (0.8–5.0 μm), NIRISS Imaging Recommended Strategies
MIRI Imaging (5.6–25.5 μm), MIRI Imaging Recommended Strategies - NIRISS is more sensitive to low surface brightness features between 0.8–2.5 μm than NIRCam, which is applicable to science goals like studying galactic tidal tails at "cosmic noon" (z ~ 2), due to the larger pixel scale of 0.066"/pixel compared with the pixel scale of NIRCam short wavelength channel (0.031"/pixel).
- Decide on whether you will observe with multiple instruments simultaneously.
Coordinated Parallel Observations - Consider using the quick-look JWST Interactive Sensitivity Tool (JIST) to obtain a sense of the signal-to-noise and exposure time parameter space you may require for your target(s).
Work through the steps below for the primary imaging instrument before adding the coordinated parallel observations, which may be imaging or some other allowed mode.
For each instrument you will use for standard imaging, proceed through the steps below.
Standard imaging
- Check the feasibility of your observations to achieve your science goals.
NIRCam Imaging Sensitivity
NIRISS Imaging Sensitivity
MIRI Sensitivity - Select your wavelength coverage and filters.
NIRCam Filters
NIRISS Filters
MIRI Filters and Dispersers - Consider the areal coverage needed and whether mosaicking of the instrument field of view will be needed.
NIRCam Mosaics
NIRISS Mosaics
MIRI Imaging Mosaics
APT Simple Mosaic Example
Use the Aladin viewer in APT to view instrument fields of view on sky images. - Based on the brightness of your target, determine whether a subarray is needed to avoid saturation. (Subarrays are not offered for the NIRISS imaging mode.)
NIRCam Bright Source Limits, NIRCam Detector Subarrays
MIRI Bright Source Limits, MIRI Detector Subarrays Select a dithering strategy.
NIRCam Dithers and Mosaics
NIRISS Imaging Dithers
MIRI Dithering
If proposing coordinated parallel observations, consider:
JWST Coordinated Parallels Custom DithersFor selected instrument(s), calculate the required exposure times using the JWST Exposure Time Calculator (ETC).
JWST ETC Imaging Aperture Photometry Strategy- Fill out the Astronomers Proposal Tool (APT) for your observations.
NIRCam Imaging APT Template
NIRISS Imaging APT Template
MIRI Imaging APT Template - If adding coordinated parallel observations, now is the time to do that. See the separate Roadmap for coordinated parallels.
Go to the Getting Started with Planning JWST Observations to complete the steps for proposal submission.