NIRCam Imaging Recommended Strategies

Guidance is provided for astronomers preparing JWST NIRCam imaging observations using the Astronomers' Proposal Tool (APT).

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The guidance provided below for preparing NIRCam imaging observations in APT complements the step-by-step instructions in the NIRCam Imaging APT Template article. It includes advice on handling the gaps between detectors, selecting dither patterns and readout patterns, and reducing data volume and overheads.

Dither pattern

See also: NIRCam Dithers and Mosaics

Dithering is required to mitigate bad pixels and improve overall image quality. Larger primary dithers are useful to fill gaps in sky coverage. Smaller subpixel dithers are optimized to improve sampling in stacked images. Programs can use both types of dithers. But programs covering very large areas, or targeting single compact sources, may elect to implement only primary or secondary dithers, depending on their science goals and the observing overheads for each dither and exposure. Primary dithers also offer some improvement in image sampling, so these may be preferred unless optimal image sampling is the highest priority.

Words in bold are GUI menus/
panels or data software packages; 
bold italics are buttons in GUI
tools or package parameters.

In principle, it is preferable to divide an exposure into as many dithered exposures as possible to improve image quality. In practice, overheads can become prohibitive.

Primary dithers

Of the primary dither patterns, some examples of the options recommended for general use are as follows:


FULLBOX 6TIGHT fills all gaps between detectors and modules; it requires greater overheads than the INTRAMODULE dither types.

Figure 1. The FULLBOX 6TIGHT primary dither


INTRAMODULEBOX 4 fills the short wavelength gaps, leaving the gap between modules; it maximizes the deep area with full exposure time.

Figure 2. The INTRAMODULEBOX 4 primary dither


INTRAMODULEX 3 or 4 fill the short wavelength gaps, leaving the gap between modules; they have larger but more uneven areal coverage than INTRAMODULEBOX 4.

Figure 3a. TheINTRAMODULEX 3 primary dither

Figure 3b. TheINTRAMODULEX 4 primary dither

  • Depth across the stacked image will generally be uneven. This should be considered when calculating the required exposure time with the JWST Exposure Time Calculator.
  • Any area covered by only one dither cannot be corrected for bad pixels. This may leave holes in the final image.

Subpixel dithers

Of the subpixel dither patterns, SMALL-GRID-DITHER has lower overheads and is recommended for use when primary dithers are also being obtained. If no primary dithers are performed, then the larger STANDARD dithers are recommended to better mitigate bad pixels.

Subpixel dithering is particularly relevant when the PSF is undersampled by the detector pixels, i.e., when the pixels are too large to provide adequate Nyquist sampling of the PSF in a single exposure. In such cases, multiple exposures obtained with a subpixel dither pattern provide additional information about the PSF structure, enabling reconstruction of an improved PSF that is closer to the intrinsic one. For NIRCam, the PSF is well sampled at wavelengths longer than about 2 µm and 4 µm in the short and long wavelength channels, respectively, by design.

For shorter wavelengths, where undersampling can become significant, a good rule of thumb is that the number N of subpixel dithers should scale approximately as the square of the wavelength ratio, relative to the well-sampled regime. For example, images obtained in the short wavelength channel with F115W are undersampled by a factor ~ 2 µm / 1.15 µm, i.e., a factor of ~1.73 (relative to the well-sampled 2 µm regime), so a minimum of (1.73)2, i.e., 3 subpixel dithers, would be needed to recover the PSF information. In practice, observers may wish to consider 4 subpixel dithers, which can provide somewhat more regular subsampling of the square detector pixels on a 2 × 2 half-pixel grid. For more detailed background information on principles of dithered observations with JWST, see Koekemoer & Lindsay (2005), Anderson (2011), and Anderson (2014).

Note that when performing coordinated parallel observations, additional custom subpixel dither patterns are available that achieve optimal pixel phase sampling for both the prime and parallel instruments. However, NIRCam's small grid dithers are not available for parallel observing, since they are not large enough for good sampling of the PSF for other instruments.

Position angle

Aladin will show the default orientation PA = 0 unless a different PA is specified using special requirements. Note that PA = 0 may not be an allowed angle for your specific target. If the PA is adjusted manually within the Aladin Viewer by clicking and dragging the field of view around, note that these changes are not automatically applied to the observation. See the APT Aladin Viewer article for more details on adjusting the PA using special requirements.

Mind the gaps 

We recommend using the APT Aladin Viewer to check the target placement and dither coverage. Keep in mind that primary dithers fill the gaps between NIRCam detectors but result in uneven depth across the stacked image. Consider this when calculating the required exposure time using the Exposure Time Calculator.

When observing with both (ALL) NIRCam modules, the science target is, by default, centered in the ~44” gap between the modules in the field of view. Depending on the size of the target, the following strategies are recommended to ensure that the target does not fall between the gaps:

(a) Large scene

If the goal is to image a scene larger than 5' × 2' without gaps:

  • Use the FULLBOX primary dithers to fill the gaps. This will cover the full area, though with non-uniform depth across the field of view.

(b) Mid-size target

For a target that fits within one module (2.2' × 2.2'), well within the field of view of an HST camera, we recommend centering the target within module B by either:

  • Using the Target Placement option to center the target roughly within module B (in the corner of detector B4). The pointing may be tweaked by combining with a special requirement Offset.

  • Adding a special requirement Offset of (X,Y) ~ (81”, -4"). Here, X & Y are given in the “Ideal” (X, Y) coordinate system, which is fixed relative to the NIRCam detectors. (Note with this offset, the center of the target will be near the gap between the short wavelength detectors. Primary dithering can be used to fill these gaps.)
  • Observing with NIRCam module B only. (The center of the target will be near the center of module B, in the corner of detector B4.)

In either case, we recommend primary dithering with INTRAMODULEBOX or INTRAMODULEX to fill the short wavelength chip gaps. Most of the area imaged by the 2 modules will be at full depth. Observing overheads will also be lower than when using FULLBOX dithers to cover the full scene.

(c) Compact target

For a target that fits within one short wavelength detector (64" × 64"), one may choose to center it within one of those detectors using a different Offset. For example:

  • Add a special requirement Offset of ~55” in X and ~35" in Y to center the target within detector B3 while observing with both modules. (To choose a different detector, or if observing with module B only, one may calculate the offset using Table 2 and 3 in NIRCam Apertures, or simply use the Aladin viewer to manually move the target.)

This strategy ensures the small target is observed at full depth by avoiding the gaps between the short wavelength detectors. INTRAMODULEBOX, INTRAMODULEX, or SMALL INTRASCA primary dithers and/or subpixel dithers are recommended in this case. Even point sources will benefit as dithering mitigates bad pixels and flat field uncertainties.

Mind the "dragon"

Bright sources off the edge of the JWST NIRCam field of view scatter light onto the NIRCam detectors. This effect is called dragon's breath. The light scatters approximately 200–250 pixels into the field, with an integrated intensity ~1.5% of the total intensity of the scattering star in the long wavelength channel, and ~0.4% in the short wavelength channel. To minimize scattered light, keep bright objects out of the avoidance zones, which are approximately 2.5" from the detector edges. See NIRCam Scattered Light Artifacts for more details.

Other scattered light and detector features

Several new scattered light features were discovered during commissioning, and in many cases can be avoided. These include claws, wisps, and ginko leaves, and they are described in NIRCam Known Issues. Note that the NIRCam team will evaluate accepted programs to determine if changes are needed to avoid claws and other scattered light features.

The NIRCam Known Issues article also includes information on detector-level features, such as bad pixels. For example, it may be necessary to adjust the target position or increase the number of dithers to avoid a known patch of bad pixels.

Integration times

We recommend integration times less than 1,000 s. For longer integrations, the majority of pixels would likely be affected by cosmic rays. Total exposure times can be made longer by using dithers and/or by increasing the number of integrations. See the discussion in MIRI Cross-Mode Recommended Strategies.

Readout pattern

To achieve a desired exposure time and signal-to-noise ratio, users must choose one of the 11 available NIRCam detector readout patterns, as well as numbers of groups (of each pattern) and integrations at each dither position. We provide the following guidance:

  • The readout patterns RAPID, BRIGHT2, SHALLOW4, MEDIUM8, and MEDIUMDEEP8 maximize the signal-to-noise ratio for a given integration time <1,000 s. See NIRCam Imaging Sensitivity for details.

  • Greater numbers of groups are preferred to mitigate cosmic rays for all pixels. The minimum number should be 5 groups, except for the shortest exposures, according to the recommendations for maximum sensitivity. For example, we recommend 8 groups of SHALLOW4 rather than 4 groups of MEDIUM8, as long as the data volume is manageable.

  • A single integration at each dither position will be sufficient for most programs. Given the choice between extra integrations or extra dithers, dithers are preferred as they improve data quality in multiple ways. The one drawback is that dithers increase overheads.

  • DEEP8 and DEEP2 result in integrations >1000 s, which are expected to be substantially affected by cosmic rays. These patterns are thus not recommended, but may be required in some cases to reduce data volume.

Data volume & data excess

APT places some limits on data excess and volume. Exceeding these limits can cause warnings or errors in APT. The data volume and excess can be viewed by clicking on the individual visits in the sidebar on the left of the APT window.

To reduce the data volume, try the following (assuming a fixed total exposure time to achieve the required signal to noise):

  • Use a longer readout pattern that generates less saved data, for example MEDIUM8 instead of SHALLOW4
  • Observe with fewer detectors.
    • Observing with both (ALL) modules yields data from 10 detectors.
    • Observing with module B only and full subarrays yields data from 5 detectors.
    • Some NIRCam subarrays yield data from as few as 2 detectors.
    • Note that choosing a smaller subarray does not necessarily decrease the data volume / total charged time significantly, since smaller subarrays are read out more quickly.
  • If necessary, obtain fewer dithers and opt instead for a longer exposure. This may sacrifice data quality somewhat, and depends on the goals of each specific program. One benefit is that observing overheads will decrease.


If reducing overheads is desired, users are advised to simply "sit and stare." Minimize the numbers of filter changes, dithers, exposures, and (importantly) visits requiring new guide stars after larger pointing shifts (see JWST Slew Times and Overheads). These operations may take several minutes (see JWST Instrument Overheads). Of course, filter changes and dithers improve data quality and may be required to achieve the scientific goals of the program.  Large overheads may not be avoidable for some science programs.

It should be noted that the dither pattern(s) will be repeated for each filter pair (short and long wavelength). Larger dithers with larger overheads should be avoided if possible, in part by using the dither patterns introduced in APT 25.4.1 (Coe 2017). Also note that more compact dither patterns will not split the observation into multiple visits, where the details depend on the visit splitting distance assigned to the observation. Targets at lower Galactic latitude will have larger visit splitting distances and may be more efficient to observe, especially with the FULLBOX dither pattern that fills all gaps between detectors and the modules.


Anderson, J. 2009, JWST-STScI-001738

Dither Patterns for NIRCam Imaging

Anderson, J. 2011, JWST-STScI-002199
NIRCam Dithering Strategies I: A Least Squares Approach to Image Combination

Anderson, J., 2014, JWST-STScI-002473
NIRCam Dithering Strategies II: Primaries, Secondaries, and Sampling

Coe, D. 2017, JWST-STScI-005798
More Efficient NIRCam Dither Patterns

Koekemoer, A. M. & Lindsay, K. 2005, JWST-STScI-000647
An Investigation of Optimal Dither Strategies for JWST


Notable updates
    • Added "Position angle" section
    • Updated "Mid-size target" offset recommendation
    • Added "Other scattered light and detector features" section
    • Updated "Data volume & data excess" section

    Included "Mind the dragon" section 

  • Noted BRIGHT1 is recommended when BRIGHT2 is limited to 4 groups
Originally published