Pandeia Reference Data

Information about JWST reference data and how to find the source of the reference data from the reference data files is provided in this article.

On this page

Types of reference data

The JWST ETC reference data folder contains a number of types of data, including:

  • Background spectra
  • Extinction spectra
  • Throughput files for JWST
  • Normalization bandpasses (except HST filters, in the Synphot data package)
  • PSF datasets, for all instrument configurations.
  • Source spectral definitions (most template and model grid spectra is in the Synphot data package)

Throughput files

The JWST throughput files are found in the Pandeia data directory at "$pandeia_refdata/jwst/". Each instrument is in its own subdirectory, along with general telescope and detector information. The origin of particular reference data can often be found in the "config.json" file within a directory. For example, in "$pandeia_refdata/jwst/miri/config.json", lines 1790–1831 show the source information as follows:

        "meta": {
            "author": {
                "2016-07-21": "T. E. Pickering",
                "2016-08-20": "Nicholas Earl",
                "2017-03-31": "N. Earl, B. Nickson, S. Kendrew",
                "2017-09-11": "B. Holler, S. Kendrew",
                "2017-11-15": "B. Holler, S. Kendrew",
                "2022-10-04": "B. Holler",
                "2022-10-12": "B. Holler",
                "2023-07-13": "B. Holler"
            "history": {
                "2016-07-21": "Create initial template from pandeia config file",
                "2016-08-20": "Initial inclusion from published results.",
                "2017-03-31": "Updated saturation limit and removed quantum yield curve from the quantum efficiencies.",
                "2017-09-11": "Added ge_ar1_trans and ge_ar2_trans.",
                "2017-11-15": "Updated filter reference files to set throughput to 0 outside of the bandpass defined in this file.",
                "2022-10-04": "Updated list of reference files, updated MRS wavelength ranges",
                "2022-10-12": "Updated list of reference files",
                "2023-07-13": "Updated MRS blaze files to account for observed throughput decrease"
            "litref": {
                "2016-07-21": "pandeia_data master",
                "2016-08-20": "None",
                "2017-03-31": "None",
                "2017-09-11": "None",
                "2017-11-15": "None",
                "2022-10-04": "JETC-2887, MIRI EC Report: MIR-COMM-TN-106",
                "2022-10-12": "JETC-2887, MIRI EC Report: MIR-COMM-TN-106",
                "2023-07-13": "None"
            "pedigree": {
                "2016-07-21": "pandeia_data master",
                "2016-08-20": "ground",
                "2017-03-31": "ground",
                "2017-09-11": "ground",
                "2017-11-15": "ground",
                "2022-10-04": "INFLIGHT",
                "2022-10-12": "INFLIGHT",
                "2023-07-13": "INFLIGHT"

Spectral libraries

The spectral libraries used by Pandeia are also found in the reference data directory, inside the "$pandeia_refdata/sed" subdirectory.

General information can be found in "$pandeia_refdata/sed/config.json", while information about individual sources can be found at "$pandeia_refdata/sed/<type>/spectra.json", where "<type>" is an available spectrum type such as "brown2014" for the Brown et al. (2014) galaxy spectra.  With the exception of the "hst_calspec" spectra, all of the actual spectrum FITS files are in the Synphot dataset, and only configuration files that map names to filenames exist in the "$pandeia_refdata" directories.


Brown, M. J. I. et al. 2014, ApJS, 212, 18 
An Atlas of Galaxy Spectral Energy Distributions from the Ultraviolet to the Mid-Infrared

Notable updates
    Updated example meta data for ETC 4.0.
Originally published