JWST Operations Pipeline Build 10.1 Release Notes

Release notes for JWST Operations Pipeline build 10.1 and patch 10.1.1, both released on February 29, 2024, are covered in this article.

On this page

This article provides a list of all relevant changes to the JWST Operations Pipeline that was released with build 10.1. These focus mainly on updates to the JWST Science Calibration Pipeline, but include information relevant to changes in other subsystems that might affect what users see in their data. 

Major updates

Words in bold are GUI menus/
panels or data software packages; 
bold italics are buttons in GUI
tools or package parameters.

Major pipeline updates in build 10.1

  • A new step, emicorr, has been added to the stage 1 pipeline to remove EMI noise patterns from MIRI exposures (affecting primarily subarray data).
  • A new step, nsclean, has been added to the stage 2 spectroscopic pipeline to remove 1/f noise from NIRSpec exposures.
  • A new step, spectral_leak, has been added to the stage 3 spectroscopic pipeline to remove 2nd-order contamination at 12.2 µm from MIRI MRS point source spectra.
  • Model-based time-dependent flux calibration corrections have been added to the stage 2 imaging pipeline for MIRI imager exposures.
  • The stage 2 spectroscopic pipeline path loss correction for NIRSpec MOS exposures has been enhanced to handle slitlets that have shapes other than the standard 1 × 3 or 1 × 1 shutters.
  • Cosmic ray shower and snowball correction have been enabled by default for NIRSpec, NIRCam, and some MIRI modes (although a bug prevents this from running on SLOWR1 mode MIRI data)

Major reference file updates in build 10.1

Known issues

Issues that affect the JWST data products available from MAST that were not resolved with this build are compiled in Known Issues with JWST Data - High-Level Summary. When there is a workaround for an issue, the relevant information is provided there.

Data affected by this build

Provided below is a list of products in MAST generated by the JWST Science Calibration Pipeline, that may be most significantly affected by the updates in build 10.1. The changes listed in the release notes below may affect other modes as well, but many of these will be transparent to the MAST user.

The data and pipeline stage affected for data in MAST are:

  • Stage 1 processing (and beyond) for all NIRCam, NIRSpec, and MIRI exposures (that do not use group-averaging readout patterns)
  • Stage 2 processing (and beyond) for all NIRCam, NIRSpec, and MIRI exposures
  • Stage 3 processing for all MIRI MRS exposures (that contain data from channels 1B and 3A)

Release notes

See also: GitHub jwst project release notes 1.13.4

Build 10.1 of the JWST Operations Pipeline was installed on February, 29 2024, to the Barbara A. Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST). The build includes changes to the JWST Science Calibration Pipeline released in version 1.13.4 of the jwst calibration pipeline package via the PyPI repository.

Changes to specific steps in the pipeline are listed below, along with descriptions of more general changes made to certain packages and related subsystems. This release also includes changes to the JWST Science Data Processing subsystem (SDP) version JWSTDP-2023.4.0, which is the DMS sub-system that creates raw (uncal) products used as input to the calibration pipeline.

 background step

  • Fixed a bug to prevent crashes when all pixels are flagged as DO_NOT_USE.

cube_build step

  • Fixed a bug that was causing the step to crash when no valid data are found on the detector.

emicorr step

  • New step added to the calwebb_detector1 pipeline to remove EMI noise artifacts from MIRI exposures.

extract_1d step

  • Updated to include pixels set to zero in the dispersion direction check used in NIRISS SOSS "ATOCA" extractions.
  • Updated the auto-centering function used for source finding in IFU cubes to use a masked median instead of nan median during wavelength collapse.

extract_2d step

  • Fixed a bug in the handling of user-provided slit names, which now allows the use of the slit_name step parameter for NIRSpec MOS exposures.

imprint step

  • Updated to include log messages that report which imprint image is being subtracted from the science image.

nsclean step

  • New step added to the Spec2Pipeline to remove 1/f noise from NIRSpec images.

outlier_detection step

  • Replaced the usage of the "scipy.signal.medfilt" function, which has undefined behavior when the input values contain NaNs, and also caused different results on Linux and Mac OS platforms.

pathloss step

  • Updated the algorithm to handle NIRSpec MOS slitlets that shutter patterns other than 1 × 3 and 1 × 1. It will now handle any arbitrary shutter pattern within a slitlet.

photom step

  • Added time-dependent flux calibration for MIRI imager data. Relies on updated reference files that contain time-dependent coefficients.

pixel_replace step

  • Fixed a bug that was allowing pixels flagged as "NON_SCIENCE" to be included in the list of pixels that need replacing.
  • Fixed a bug where slices with only unflagged NaN values would cause an error in profile fitting.

ramp_fitting step

  • Updated the definition of the step parameter maximum_cores to accept integer values, in addition to the existing string values.

resample step

  • Updated to recognize additional keys in ASDF files that are used to specify a user-supplied output WCS.
  • Updated to set the output image size based on the largest coordinates in the bounding box when the user supplies an output WCS specification.
  • Reworked the computation of the pixel area keywords (PIXAR_SR and PIXAR_A2) for the output image. Note that this change results in slightly modified pixel values in the resampled images themselves, due to a more accurate value for the pixel area.

residual_fringe step

  • Updated to zero out the MRS 1-D residual fringe weight function longward of 27.6 µm in channel 4C data, in order to improve performance below this wavelength.

source_catalog step

  • Updated the step to more easily handle changes in the metadata provided by the photutils routines that are used to compute source locations and photometry.

spectral_leak step

  • New step added to the Spec3Pipeline to handle 2nd-order contamination across some MIRI MRS channels.

tweakreg step

  • Improved the way image "group" names are determined when segregating images obtained on different detectors within the same on-sky exposure.

Pipeline modules

  • Updated the calwebb_detector1 (Detector1Pipeline) pipeline to include the new emicorr step for MIRI exposures.
  • Updated the calwebb_spec2 (Spec2Pipeline) pipeline to include the new nsclean step for NIRSpec exposures. This change also included a minor reordering of the pipeline steps, so that the msa_flagging step is executed immediately after assign_wcs, so that both steps have already been applied when the nsclean step is executed.
  • Updated the calwebb_spec3 (Spec3Pipeline) pipeline to include the new MIRI MRS spectral_leak correction step.

Product associations

  • No changes for this build.

General changes

  • Documentation updates:
    • Added step documentation for the new steps emicorr, nsclean, and spectral_leak.
    • Updated the assign_wcs step documentation to include information for the step arguments.
    • Updated the outlier_detection and resample step documentation to include information about the in_memory argument.
    • Removed references to the grow argument from outlier_detection step documentation, because it is no longer used in the step.
  • Data models updates:
    • Updated the JWST core data models schema to include step status and reference file keywords for the new emicorr , nsclean , and spectral_leak steps that have been added in this build. The new keywords include R_MIREMI, R_MRSPT, S_MIREMI, S_NSCLEN, and S_SPLEAK.

JWST Science Data Processing subsystem changes

The JSDP subsystem processes data from the telescope and creates raw (uncal) products. The following changes have been included in this build:

  • Corrected the group time keywords TGROUP and TGROUP0 for MIRI FASTGRPAVG readout patterns.

Notable updates

Originally published