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Pandeia Batch Mode
Running JWST Pandeia calculations inside a loop in order to zero in on the best settings for particular observations is covered in this article.
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Sometimes, in order to optimize JWST observations, it may be necessary to run multiple ETC simulations in order to select the best possible settings. By running Pandeia inside a Python loop, much of the work involved in this can be automated.
Sample code
Checking saturation as a function of flux for MIRI coronography
batch_saturation_flux_miri Expand source
# The following section is only needed if the PYSYN_CDBS environment variable is not already set. # The PYSYN_CDBS environment variable should point to the path of the CDBS data files import os location_of_cdbs = "/path/to/cdbs/files" os.environ['PYSYN_CDBS'] = location_of_cdbs # End section # The following section is only needed if the pandeia_refdata environment variable is not already set # The pandeia_refdata environment variable should point to the path of the pandeia reference data import os location_of_pandeia_refdata = "/path/to/pandeia/refdata" os.environ['pandeia_refdata'] = location_of_pandeia_refdata # End section import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from pandeia.engine.calc_utils import build_default_calc from pandeia.engine.perform_calculation import perform_calculation # The following are parameters which can easily be changed telescope = 'jwst' instrument = 'miri' mode = 'coronography' # Flux Range parameter flux_range = np.linspace(0.1, 5e5, 15) #mJy # Create lists to store the output data tot_none, tot_soft, tot_hard = [], [], [] for flux in flux_range: configuration_dictionary = build_default_calc(telescope, instrument, mode) configuration_dictionary['scene'][0]['spectrum']['normalization']['norm_flux'] = flux report_dictionary = perform_calculation(configuration_dictionary) saturation = report_dictionary['2d']['saturation'] unsaturated = len(saturation[saturation==0.]) soft_saturated = len(saturation[saturation==1.]) hard_saturated = len(saturation[saturation==2.]) tot_none.append(unsaturated) tot_soft.append(soft_saturated) tot_hard.append(hard_saturated) plt.plot(flux_range,tot_none, label='No saturation') plt.plot(flux_range,tot_soft, label='Soft saturation') plt.plot(flux_range,tot_hard, label='Hard saturation') plt.xlabel('Flux [mJy]') plt.ylabel('Pixels [counts]') plt.legend() plt.show()
The result of the above is shown in Figure 1.
Determining the number of groups needed to reach a signal to noise of 40 in a NIRCam SW observation
batch_snr_time_nircam Expand source
from __future__ import division # The following section is only needed if the PYSYN_CDBS environment variable is not already set. # The PYSYN_CDBS environment variable should point to the path of the CDBS data files import os location_of_cdbs = "/path/to/cdbs/files" os.environ['PYSYN_CDBS'] = location_of_cdbs # End section # The following section is only needed if the pandeia_refdata environment variable is not already set # The pandeia_refdata environment variable should point to the path of the pandeia reference data import os location_of_pandeia_refdata = "/path/to/pandeia/refdata" os.environ['pandeia_refdata'] = location_of_pandeia_refdata # End section from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from pandeia.engine.calc_utils import build_default_calc from pandeia.engine.perform_calculation import perform_calculation from scipy import interpolate # The following are parameters which can easily be changed telescope = 'jwst' instrument = 'nircam' mode = 'sw_imaging' filter = 'f115w' # Source parameters offsets = {'x': 0., 'y': 0.} geometry = 'point' name = 'G2V Star' sed = 'phoenix' key = 'g2v' bandpass = 'sdss,r' magnitude = 26. scene_dictionary = {} scene_dictionary['position'] = {'position_parameters': ['x_offset', 'y_offset']} scene_dictionary['position']['x_offset'] = offsets['x'] scene_dictionary['position']['y_offset'] = offsets['y'] scene_dictionary['shape'] = {'geometry': 'point'} scene_dictionary['spectrum'] = {'name': name, 'spectrum_parameters': ['sed', 'normalization']} scene_dictionary['spectrum']['sed'] = {'sed_type': sed, 'key': key} scene_dictionary['spectrum']['normalization'] = {'type': 'photsys', 'norm_fluxunit': 'abmag'} scene_dictionary['spectrum']['normalization']['bandpass'] = bandpass scene_dictionary['spectrum']['normalization']['norm_flux'] = magnitude scene_dictionary['spectrum']['lines'] = [] scene_dictionary['spectrum']['extinction'] = {'bandpass': 'j', 'law': 'mw_rv_31', 'unit': 'mag', 'value': 0} # Number of observation Groups for search min_groups = 0 max_groups = 28 # Target SNR target_sn = 40. # Create lists to hold the results sns, exptimes = [], [] while min_groups <= max_groups: configuration_dictionary = build_default_calc(telescope, instrument, mode) configuration_dictionary['scene'][0] = scene_dictionary configuration_dictionary['configuration']['instrument']['filter'] = filter current_groups = (min_groups+max_groups)//2 configuration_dictionary['configuration']['detector']['ngroup'] = current_groups report_dictionary = perform_calculation(configuration_dictionary) current_sn = report_dictionary['scalar']['sn'] sns.append(current_sn) exptimes.append(report_dictionary['scalar']['total_exposure_time']) if current_sn <= target_sn: min_groups = current_groups + 1 else: max_groups = current_groups - 1 interpolator = interpolate.interp1d(sns,exptimes) exptime_target = interpolator(target_sn) print("For SNR=40: {:.2f}s".format(exptime_target)) print("Groups: {} Exptime: {:.2f}s SNR: {:.2f}".format(min_groups,exptimes[-1], sns[-1])) plt.scatter(exptimes,sns) plt.hlines(40,1200,3600) plt.vlines(exptime_target,25,42) plt.xlabel('Exposure Time (s)') plt.ylabel('SNR') plt.text(2700,41,"{:.2f}".format(exptime_target)) plt.xlim((1200,3600)) plt.show()
The result of the above is shown in Figure 2.
Determining date with lowest background flux at given coordinates
batch_background_time Expand source
from __future__ import division # The following section is only needed if the PYSYN_CDBS environment variable is not already set. # The PYSYN_CDBS environment variable should point to the path of the CDBS data files import os location_of_cdbs = "/path/to/cdbs/files" os.environ['PYSYN_CDBS'] = location_of_cdbs # End section # The following section is only needed if the pandeia_refdata environment variable is not already set # The pandeia_refdata environment variable should point to the path of the pandeia reference data import os location_of_pandeia_refdata = "/path/to/pandeia/refdata" os.environ['pandeia_refdata'] = location_of_pandeia_refdata # End section import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from pandeia.engine.calc_utils import build_default_calc from pandeia.engine.perform_calculation import perform_calculation from jwst_backgrounds import jbt # Background Flux Parameters ra = 129.4 dec = 41.1 background_primary_wavelength = 4.0 # in microns, doesn't actually matter as we want the full spectrum. # General Observation Parameters telescope = 'jwst' instrument = 'nircam' mode = 'sw_imaging' filter = 'f090w' # Source parameters offsets = {'x': 0., 'y': 0.} geometry = 'point' name = 'G2V Star' sed = 'phoenix' key = 'g2v' bandpass = 'sdss,r' magnitude = 22. bg = jbt.background(ra, dec, background_primary_wavelength) wave_array = bg.bkg_data['wave_array'] observability_calendar = bg.bkg_data['calendar'] scene_dictionary = {} scene_dictionary['position'] = {'position_parameters': ['x_offset', 'y_offset']} scene_dictionary['position']['x_offset'] = offsets['x'] scene_dictionary['position']['y_offset'] = offsets['y'] scene_dictionary['shape'] = {'geometry': 'point'} scene_dictionary['spectrum'] = {'name': name, 'spectrum_parameters': ['sed', 'normalization']} scene_dictionary['spectrum']['sed'] = {'sed_type': sed, 'key': key} scene_dictionary['spectrum']['normalization'] = {'type': 'photsys', 'norm_fluxunit': 'abmag'} scene_dictionary['spectrum']['normalization']['bandpass'] = bandpass scene_dictionary['spectrum']['normalization']['norm_flux'] = magnitude scene_dictionary['spectrum']['lines'] = [] scene_dictionary['spectrum']['extinction'] = {'bandpass': 'j', 'law': 'mw_rv_31', 'unit': 'mag', 'value': 0} # Create lists to hold the results dates, fluxes = [], [] for i, day in enumerate(observability_calendar): configuration_dictionary = build_default_calc(telescope, instrument, mode) configuration_dictionary['scene'][0] = scene_dictionary configuration_dictionary['configuration']['instrument']['filter'] = filter flux_array = bg.bkg_data['total_bg'][i] configuration_dictionary['background'] = [wave_array, flux_array] report_object = perform_calculation(configuration_dictionary, dict_report=False) background_rate = np.median(report_object.bg_pix) # median per-pixel background count rate print("Day {} has flux {}".format(day, background_rate)) dates.append(day) fluxes.append(background_rate) plt.scatter(dates,fluxes) plt.xlabel("Day of Observation") plt.ylabel("Background Count Rate (cnt/s)") plt.show()
Figure 3 shows the background count rate on each day over the next year that the target is observable. As can be seen, observations near the start and end of the year offer the lowest background rate, although the overall difference is relatively small.
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