NIRCam Coronagraphy Calibration Status

The overall calibration status and estimated accuracy of NIRCam coronagraphy are described in this article; please also see the article on known issues affecting NIRCam data.

On this page

Astrometric accuracy


Shortwave channel: Uncertainties for both round and bar occulting masks are generally on the order of 510 mas in the area covered by the coronagraph optical mount (COM). Outside the COM, the uncertainties are 36 mas.

Longwave channel: Uncertainties for both round and bar occulting masks are generally >10 mas both in and outside of the COM area.

Updated astrometric distortion files for coronagraphy are expected in the Fall of 2024.

Photometric calibration


An updated flux calibration for coronagraphy was released in CRDS on November 1, 2023 (pmap 1146). 

The absolute flux calibration uncertainties are <1.5% for the round masks and the short wavelength bar mask (SWB). For the long wavelength bar mask (LWB), the uncertainties are <2% for most filters, but are higher for F277W (6%), F250M (13.5%), and F300M (12.5%) because the standard star was partially obscured by the mask. These numbers should improve when Cycle 2 data are incorporated.

Target acquisition performance


Table 1. Target acquisition global uncertainties

Module ASW as prime (F210M)LW channel as prime (F335M)


SR offset: -0.004, -0.011
Global error: < 15 mas (1σ) 


SR offset: -0.006, -0.012
Global error: < 15 mas (1σ) 

SR offset: -0.006, -0.012
Global error: < 15 mas (1σ) 


Target Acquisition Offsets

This text file contains the most up to date list of special requirements (SR) offsets: NIRCam_Coronagraphy_SR_offsets.txt

Please always work with your assigned contact scientist to make sure you apply the latest SR offsets to your program. 

Table notes:

  • SR offsets are the special requirements offsets (in arcsec) currently needed (in APT) to compensate for imperfect distortion compensation and updated mask positions.
  • Values in orange need confirmation (further analysis and/or more data).

Notable updates

  • Corrected Table 1 with latest values and added a dynamic link
Originally published