Policy 1 - Limitations on the Use of Funds for the Research of General Observers and Archival Research

Funding allocated to the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) by NASA for support of the research of General Observers (GO) and Archival Researchers (AR) is intended to be used for the acquisition, calibration, analysis, and publication of JWST data. Funding for preparatory observations (e.g., ground-based) must be justified within this intention. Funding of observational research by GOs or ARs with other facilities (ground- or space-based) that is considered essential for the preparation for JWST observations must receive specific approval by the STScI’s Financial Review Committee.

It is anticipated that many JWST programs will demand ground-based follow-up observations. Support for such research is largely within the charter of the National Science Foundation (NSF). However, a small amount of funding may be requested by General Observers or Archival Researchers who determine the necessity of such research.  Any such request must be less than 10% of the their total requested funding.  The justification for how the ground-based follow-up observations are needed to maximize the scientific value of the JWST observations will be evaluated by the peer review panel.

GOs or ARs at U.S. institutions who are not eligible to seek support through the National Science Foundation may apply for funding to STScI for ground-based follow-up observations as part of their JWST program budget request.

Approved by:

Edward J. Weiler, Associate Administrator, Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters.  1/5/2010

Paul Hertz, Chief Scientist, Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters. 12/30/2009

Jon A. Morse, Director, Astrophysics Division, Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters.   12/7/2009

Eric P. Smith, JWST Program Scientist, Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters.  11/30/2009

In accordance with Contract NAS5-03127, Statement of Work, Section A.4, A.5, the following guidelines are policies promulgated by the NASA Associate Administrator (AA) for the Science Mission Directorate (SMD) with regard to the implementation of the JWST science mission. Any reference to JWST Program or Project refers to the NASA JWST Program or Project unless explicitly noted otherwise.

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Originally published