MIRI LRS Recommended Strategies
Recommendations for planning MIRI LRS science observations, based on pre-launch knowledge of the instrument, are provided in this article.
On this page
The MIRI low resolution spectrometer (LRS) offers slit and slitless spectroscopy from 5 to 14 μm. This page gives recommendations that, together with the MIRI Cross-Mode Recommended Strategies article, should help observers plan MIRI LRS observations.
For LRS slitless observations, please refer to the dedicated MIRI TSO Recommended Strategies page.
Detector readout mode
See also: Understanding Exposure Times, MIRI Cross-Mode Recommended Strategies
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See also: MIRI LRS Dithering
In slit mode, LRS dithering is required for science observations (see MIRI Low Resolution Spectroscopy Template in APT). Two options are available:
- The ALONG SLIT NOD represents a 2-point dither, which is recommended for point sources. This mode allows for both redundancy and background subtraction. The user should verify that there are no sources close to the target that could occupy the other dither position, which would defeat the purpose of the dither strategy—such unfavorable roll angles should be avoided.
- The MAPPING MODE allows the user to define a certain number of spectral and spatial steps and offsets, and it has been designed to allow for extended source mapping.
When defining a target in APT, users should specify, in the Extended parameter field, if the target is spatially extended; the options are YES, NO, and Unknown. The selected dither pattern should be consistent with the source definition. Deviations from these default options should be justified in the proposal.
Dithering is not allowed for the slitless mode as this option has been specifically designed to carry out time-series observations. Selecting the SLITLESSPRISM subarray in the APT LRS template will automatically select the Time Series Observation and No Parallel special requirements, which disables dithering.
Target acquisition considerations
See also: MIRI Cross-Mode Recommended Strategies, MIRI LRS Slit Target Acquisition, MIRI LRS Slitless Target Acquisition, JWST Pointing Performance
Without a TA, the target placement accuracy is set by the JWST pointing performance and the accuracy of the target coordinates (including proper motion).
For slitless TSO observations, target acquisition (TA) is recommended. Accurate target placement is especially important if multi-epoch transit observations will be combined. The TA procedure will ensure that the target is placed at the same location for each exposure, with <10 mas accuracy (corresponding to <0.1 px).
For slit observations, TA is highly recommended for point or compact sources given the size of the slit (length 4.7", 3.18 mm, 42.7 pix; width 0.51", 0.33 mm, 4.6 pix) and the sensitivity of the calibration to the location of the source in the slit. The no-TA option is intended to be used mostly for extended sources, and for dedicated background exposures, if required.
Some observing situations will require the use of an offset TA target. Any error in the position of either the TA target or the spectroscopic target will result in the misplacement of the target in the slit and could lead to a failure of the observation. See LRS Slit Target Acquisition - Self TA vs. offset TA and Policies for the Telescope Time Review Board for additional information.
Users should obtain a verification image, which will be obtained after the science target has been moved into the slit. This image will verify the placement of the target in the slit and will improve the observer's ability to correct for slit transmission. The verification image step is optional and may use different filter and exposure settings than the TA image.
LRS verification image
See also: MIRI Cross-Mode Recommended Strategies, MIRI LRS Slit Target Acquisition, MIRI LRS Slitless Target Acquisition, JWST Pointing Performance
When the target is dispersed, it is challenging to reconstruct precisely where the target was positioned on the detector, either from blind pointing or from target acquisition. Verification images have proven very useful as a pointing verification check, and to diagnose potential calibration issues. This capability has been given extra flexibility as of APT2023.1.1, to make this feature maximally useful. For slitless observations, the image will be taken by default; for slit observations this feature is optional, but highly recommended.
A verification image can be taken with any of the MIRI imager filters, and with custom groups/integration settings. Verification images can be taken regardless of whether a TA sequence is part of the observation.
Background observations
See also: JWST Background Model, Background-Limited Observations, MIRI Cross-Mode Recommended Strategies, APT Targets, MIRI TSO Recommended Strategies
For observations of point sources in the LRS slit, an ALONG SLIT NOD should be specified. In this configuration, the nods will be subtracted from each other pair-wise for background subtraction purposes - before being recombined into a single spectral image in the calibration pipeline.
For extended sources in the LRS slit, observers are strongly encouraged to obtain background observations by defining a separate background target. The coordinates should point to a suitable region nearby, preferably within 20", and the observation should otherwise be identical to that for the science target.
The science and background observations should be linked as a non-interruptible sequence in APT and then, for the science target, the background target should be specified as such (see Specifying APT Background Targets). This method will obtain 2 images of the science target, one in each nod position, and 2 corresponding background images. When a user assigns a background to a science target, that creates a formal association between them. By doing this, the pipeline will automatically subtract the background exposure from the target exposure. The background exposures are co-added into a single background image, which is subtracted from each nod separately. This method is preferred, because it mitigates for bad pixels on the array (whether permanent or due to a recent cosmic ray hit).
A MAPPING dither pattern with either 2 spatial positions or 2 spectral positions could also be used, but this method is strongly discouraged, because the pipeline will have no means of identifying the background position and will not subtract it. In addition, this approach would not mitigate for bad pixels. If the observer wishes to pursue this option, the extended science target will be observed in the center of one of the 2 slit positions. The background position will rotate with the position angle of the slit (at roughly 1° per day) and can only be constrained by constraining the observing time.
For slitless TSO observations, the background can be measured from the portions of the subarray not covered by the science spectrum. However due to the extensive detector-level scattering for bright targets, it may be difficult to get a "clean" measurement of the background, and the background subtraction step may end up over-subtracting the short wavelengths flux of the science target. To avoid this, it is advisable to take a dedicated background exposure immediately following the science exposure. This should have Ngroups matched to the science exposure, with a small number of integrations (e.g., 10), and the observation should be linked as a non-interruptible sequence. Further details are provided on the MIRI TSO Recommended Strategies page.
Kendrew et al. 2015, PASP, 127, 623K
The Mid-Infrared Instrument for the James Webb Space Telescope, IV: The Low-Resolution Spectrometer
Glasse et al. 2015, PASP, 127, 686G
The Mid-Infrared Instrument for the James Webb Space Telescope, IX: Predicted Sensitivity