NIRISS Bright Limits

The bright limits, above which saturation occurs, depends on subarray configurations for the various JWST NIRISS observing modes.

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The NIRISS single object slitless spectroscopy (SOSS) and aperture masking interferometry (AMI) modes are optimized to observe bright objects, where the target is centered on a pixel. For imaging, and to some degree for wide field slitless spectroscopy (WFSS), the bright limit in some filters is significantly affected by whether a star is centered on a pixel or is located at the pixel corner. This effect is larger for the NIRISS short wavelength imaging filters where the PSF sampling is sparse. Values given here are for stars centered on a pixel, and hence represent the worst case.

 Users should ultimately use the Exposure Time Calculator (ETC) for all saturation/sensitivity calculations.

NIRISS SOSS bright limits

        See also: NIRISS Single Object Slitless Spectroscopy

The NIRISS single object slitless spectroscopy (SOSS) mode is optimized to obtain spectra from 0.6–2.8 μm of transiting exoplanets around bright stars. SOSS makes use of the GR700XD grism to disperse the light into 3 orders, 2 of which are currently calibrated, at a resolution of R ~ 700.

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SOSS offers 2 subarrays, SUBSTRIP256, which covers 256 × 2048 pixels, and SUBSTRIP96, which covers 96 × 2048 pixels. SUBSTRIP256 captures both orders while SUBSTRIP96 captures only the 1st order. Table 1 lists the bright limits for the 2 subarrays, where Ngroups refers to integration length as specified by MULTIACCUM detector readout. Saturation is assumed to occur at an accumulated signal of 72,000 e/pixel.

Table 1. Estimated bright limits for NIRISS SOSS mode 

SubarraySubarray sizeOrderNGroupsJ mag (Vega)
SUBSTRIP256256 × 204812


SUBSTRIP256256 × 204822


SUBSTRIP9696 × 204812


† Reported magnitudes are simulated 2MASS J-band magnitudes. The bright limit varies as a function of wavelength and spectral type.

The bright limit is a function of wavelength in each order for a given readout. Figure 1 shows the predicted bright limit for 2 groups and one integration for SUBSTRIP256 and the NISRAPID detector readout pattern, assuming a maximum signal level of 72,000 e.

Figure 1. Bright limit as a function of wavelength for SOSS mode with the SUBSTRIP256 subarray

Bright limits are based on the NISRAPID readout with one integration and 2 groups with the SUBSTRIP256 subarray. Bright limits vary by Δmag = 0.7 for a FULL frame readout and Δmag = -1.0 for a SUBSTRIP96 readout (order 1 only). Bright limits are calculated for a representative sampling of stellar templates as described in the figure legend.

NIRISS AMI bright limits

        See also: NIRISS Aperture Masking Interferometry

The NIRISS aperture masking interferometry (AMI) mode enables high spatial resolution imaging of bright objects and is optimized to identify close companions ~70–400 mas from their host stars. A non-redundant mask (NRM), consisting of 7 holes, produces an interferogram in the image plane, sampling 21 unique baselines. The AMI mode is used in conjunction with 3 medium-band filters (F380M, F430M, F480M) or one wideband filter (F277W) in the filter wheel.

Most observations with AMI will make use of the SUB80 subarray which covers 80 × 80 pixels on the detector. Table 2 lists the bright limits in A0V-based magnitudes, also called Vega magnitudes, for the various filters. Table 2 assumes a point source centered in a pixel. If the point source is placed at or near the corner of a pixel, the target could be about 1.5 magnitudes brighter because of the lower pixel response. For a full frame observation the bright limits will be about 5.4 magnitudes fainter than for a SUB80 observation. Effective saturation is assumed to occur at 26,000 e-, which is the limit at which 1% of charge from the central illuminated pixel begins accumulating in neighboring pixels. Observers who have data analysis software that can correct for the effects of charge migration may wish to observe brighter sources that exceed this charge migration signal limit.

Table 2. Estimated bright limits for NIRISS AMI mode for the SUB80 subarray 














Table notes:

The magnitude in NIRISS filters are equivalent to the previous "Vegamag" system where the CALSPEC Sirius model from Bohlin 2022 is used as a template for an A0V star with a magnitude of -1.395 in all filters (Rieke et al. 2022). Note that quoted bright limits will vary for different spectral types. 

†The magnitudes in NIRISS filters F277W and F380M roughly correspond to the WISE W1 magnitude.The magnitudes in NIRISS filters F430M and F480M roughly correspond to the WISE W2 magnitude. There is a ±0.05 magnitude uncertainty due to the conversion from NIRISS magnitude to WISE magnitudes, which is a function of the spectral shape of the source. The magnitudes of the WISE and NIRISS filters should match for an average A0V star and WISE magnitudes are predicted to be slightly smaller than the NIRISS magnitudes for later spectral types. 


NIRISS WFSS bright limits

        See also: NIRISS Wide Field Slitless Spectroscopy

The NIRISS wide field slitless spectroscopy (WFSS) mode enables low-resolution (R ≈ 150) spectroscopy over the wavelength range 0.8–2.2μm for all objects within the 2.2’ × 2.2’ field of view (FOV) of the NIRISS detector. WFSS observations are obtained using a GR150 grism with a blocking filter in the pupil wheel. Only full frame readout is supported.

The estimated bright limits for each filter are listed in Table 3 and assume a charge migration signal limit of 34,400  e-. The magnitudes listed are Vega magnitudes in the NIRISS filters. For an average A0V star, the same magnitude applies in the 2MASS J, H, and K filters to within about 0.03 magnitudes. The wavelengths listed in Table 3 indicate the wavelength at which the charge migration signal limit first occurs for an A0V star in the first order, for NISRAPID readout and 2 groups and one integration. Magnitudes and wavelengths at which saturation first occurs will be a bit different for sources with different spectral energy distributions. 

Table 3. Estimated bright limits for NIRISS WFSS mode, for an accumulated signal of 34,400  e-




Flux density





† Bright limit varies by wavelength. The table lists the wavelength at which saturation first occurs for an A0V star.

‡ The magnitude in NIRISS filters are equivalent to the previous "Vegamag" system where the CALSPEC Sirius model from Bohlin 2022 is used as a template for an A0V star with a magnitude of -1.395 in all filters (Rieke et al. 2022). Note that quoted bright limits will vary for different spectral types.

NIRISS imaging bright limits

        See also: NIRISS Imaging

NIRISS imaging is supported as a prime observing mode and can be used as a coordinated parallel mode when NIRCam imaging is used as the primary science instrument. In the WFSS observing mode, direct images with NIRISS, using a filter in the pupil wheel, are required before and after a grism exposure sequence. Direct images can optionally be taken prior to an AMI observation with 3 medium-band filters (F380M, F430M, F480M) or one wideband filter (F277W) in the filter wheel.

Table 4 lists the estimated bright limits and assume a charge migration signal limit of 34,400  e-. The magnitude values listed are estimated Vega magnitudes in the NIRISS filters, so for an A0V star these magnitudes should match those of 2MASS or other filters in this wavelength range to within 0.03 magnitudes. These values are calculated for the case where a star is centered on the pixel, for NISRAPID readout and 2 groups and one integration; the bright limit will be higher for a star observed at the pixel corner where the peak signal is split about equally between 4 pixels.

Table 4. Estimated bright limits for NIRISS imaging mode, for an accumulated signal of 34,400  e-



Flux density

(10-4 Jy)



Pupil Wheel Filters
Filter Wheel Filters

† The magnitude in NIRISS filters are equivalent to the previous "Vegamag" system where the CALSPEC Sirius model from Bohlin 2022 is used as a template for an A0V star with a magnitude of -1.395 in all filters (Rieke et al. 2022). 


Rieke, G., H., Su, K., Sloan, G., C., Schlawin, E., 2022, AJ, 163, 45
Infrared Absolute Calibration. I. Comparison of Sirius with Fainter Calibration Stars


Notable updates
    Updated bright limits to be consistent with ETC v. 4.0. AMI bright limits are changed due to a charge migration signal limit update from 20,000 e- to 26,000 e-. The WFSS and Imaging bright limits were updated due to a signal limit decrease from 72,000 e- (full well depth assumed for the ETC) to 34,4000 e- (charge migration signal limit for imaging and WFSS in the F090W filter). SOSS bright limits are unchanged. 

    Updated bright limits to be consistent with ETC v. 3.0. AMI bright limits show greatest change due to signal limit decrease from 30,000 e- to 20,000 e- to mitigate impacts of charge migration.

    Updated AMI bright limits after fixing bug in sensitivity code.

    Updated to reflect in-flight performance as measured during JWST commissioning.

    Updated AMI and SOSS bright limit values for consistency with ETC v. 1.5.1

    Updated bright limit values for consistency with ETC v. 1.3
Originally published