About JDox

JWST User Documentation, informally known as "JDox," is intended as an agile, user-friendly source of information inspired by the Wikipedia style. Its goal is to provide short, focused, well-linked articles about the observatory and instruments, tools for proposing, advice on observing strategies, roadmaps for the proposal preparation process, and JWST data calibration and analysis.

Additional linked documentation

Proposal Parameters

In addition to JDox User Documentation, a related collection of articles called Proposal Parameters contain technical documentation on legal values for each "field" (parameter) in the Astronomer's Proposal Tool (APT). These articles are not designed as a primary reference and not displayed on the left-hand navigation sidebar of the JDox site. However, some links in JDox may point to a Proposal Parameters article. If the article you are viewing is in the Proposal Parameters area, the left-hand sidebar will look different and the background color will change. Use the JDox Home button to return to the primary JDox User Documentation area.

Read the Docs

Articles in the Data section of JDox provide high level information about JWST data calibration and analysis. Many JDox Data articles, especially in the JWST science calibration pipeline section, contain links to detailed technical documentation maintained in Read the Docs. Again, the appearance of these page and presence of a different sidebar will alert users that they are in this different documentation area. Use your browser's back arrow to return the the main JDox User Documentation site.

How to cite JDox

To cite the JWST User Documentation Website:

In-text ref.: (JWST User Documentation, 2016-)

End reference: JWST User Documentation (JDox). Baltimore, MD: Space Telescope Science Institute; 2016- [access date in year month day]. https://jwst-docs.stsci.edu

For citation formats including BibTeX, AASTeX, MNRAS, Icarus, and XML, use the Astrophysics Data System (ADS) Export Citation selection from the left side menu within ADS: https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2016jdox.rept....../abstract

JDox content contributors

J. Aguilar, K. Alatalo, S. Alberts, C. Alves de Oliveira, T. Beck, S. Birkmann, B. Blacker, W. Blair, T. Böeker, M. L. Boyer, G. Brammer, S. Bright, B. Brooks, R. Brown, H. Bushouse, A. Canipe, L. Chambers, C. Chen, M. Clarke, D. Coe, R. Cooper, M. Correnti, M. Cracraft, A. Deshpande, R. Diaz, R. Downes, N. Earl, N. Espinoza, H. Ferguson, P. Ferruit, J. Filippazzo,  P. Forshay, O. Fox, J. Fraine, S. Friedman, A. Fullerton, M. Garcia Marin, M. Gennaro, G. Giardino, R. Gicking, K. Gilbert, J. Girard, D. Golimowski, S. Gonzaga, K. Gordon, C. Gosmeyer, P. Goudfrooij, T. Greene, B. Hagan, J. Hargis, R. Hawkins, A. Henry, B. Hilbert, D. Hines, S. Holfeltz, B. Holler, J. Hunkeler, G. Kanarek, D. Karakla, S. Kassin, S. Kendrew, T. Keyes, A. Koekemoer, N. Kumari, S. La Massa, K. Larson, D. Law, J. Lee, M. Libralato, P-L Lim, C. Lean, J. Leisenring, D. Long, J. Lotz, N. Lützgendorf , E. Manjavacas A. Martel, C. Martlin, J. V. Medina, L. McCuen, S. Milam, T. Morishita, A. Moro-Martin, K. Murray, J. Muzerolle, S. Neff, E. Nelan, B. Nickson, N. Nikolov, M. Oboryshko, P. Ogle, S. Osborne, C. Pacifici, C. Pavlovsky, M. Pena-Guerrero, M. Perrin, K. Peterson, N. Pirzkal, K. Pontoppidan, C. Proffitt, E. Puga, L. Pueyo, S. Ravindranath, T. Rawle, M. Regan, I. N. Reid, M. Ressler, A. Rest, A. Riedel, G. Rieke, M. Rieke, J. Rigby, C. Ritchie, M. Robberto, S. Rose, J. Sahlmann, B. Sargent, P. Sessa, E. Schlawin, R. Shaw, M. Sirianni, A. Sivaramakrishnan, G. Sloan, D. Soderblom, G. Sonneborn, I. Spitzer, J. Stansberry, K. Stevenson, L. Strolger, B. Sunnquist, T. Temim, D. Thatte, L. Ubeda, J. Valenti, K. Volk, G. Wahlgren, L. Watkins, B. Williams, C. Willmer, E. Wislowski, B. York, P. Zeidler.

JDox Project Team

JDox Project Lead
Shireen Gonzaga and Dean Hines (co-leads)
Alaina Henry (previous)
Ori Fox (previous)
Jennifer Lotz (previous)

JDox Deputy Project Lead
Shireen Gonzaga (previous)
Stephanie La Massa (previous)
Dan Coe (previous)
Dave Soderblom (previous)

JWST User Support Project Scientist
Patrick Ogle
William Blair (retired)

JDox IT Technologists
Paul Mulgrew
Hsing-Ying Liu
Stacy Smith
Matthew Bonnitt (previous)

JDox Content and Technical Editors
Shireen Gonzaga (lead)
Susan Rose (retired)

JDox NASA Reviewers
Susan Neff (lead)
Jane Rigby (previous)
George Sonneborn (previous)

Notable updates

Originally published