Appendix- Scientific Keywords - Cycle 2
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You are viewing content from a previous JWST Call for Proposals (CfP). For information pertaining to the current observing cycle and future CfPs, please see JWST Opportunities and Policies.
Keywords to be used in APT when submitting a proposal.
The Tables in this Appendix list the Scientific Keywords that are valid for use in the proposal template. The science policies group will sort proposals according to the categories and keywords listed below for the time allocation review. For additional information on the proposal sorting into each panel, see JWST Proposal Selection Procedures - Cycle 2. The JWST Scientific Categories and Keywords were developed using the Unified Astronomy Thesaurus.
Solar System Astronomy |
Asteroids |
Astronomical models |
Astronomical simulations |
Atmospheric composition |
Atmospheric variability |
Binary systems / Multiple systems |
Biomarkers |
Centaurs |
Chemical composition |
Comets |
Inner planets |
Irregular satellites |
Main belt asteroids |
Minor planets |
Natural satellites |
Near-Earth objects |
Occultation |
Orbits |
Outer planets |
Planetary atmospheres |
Planetary rings |
Planetary surfaces |
Small solar system bodies |
Space weather |
Surface composition |
Surface ices |
Surface processes |
Surface variability |
Transits |
Trans-Neptunian objects |
Trojan asteroids |
Zodiacal cloud |
Stellar Physics and Stellar Types |
Astrometry |
Astronomical models |
Astronomical simulations |
Binary stars / Trinary stars |
Brown dwarf stars |
Circumstellar disks |
Circumstellar matter |
Early-type stars |
Evolved stars |
Gamma-ray bursts |
H II regions |
Interstellar dust |
Intermediate type stars |
Interstellar medium |
Late-type stars |
Low mass stars |
Main sequence Stars |
Massive stars |
Molecular clouds |
Neutron stars |
Planetary nebulae |
Pre-main sequence stars |
Pulsars |
Radiative transfer |
Stellar abundances |
Stellar accretion disks |
Stellar atmospheres |
Stellar evolution |
Stellar jets |
Stellar phenomena |
Supernovae |
Variable stars |
White dwarf stars |
Young stellar objects |
Galaxies and IGM |
Astronomical models |
Astronomical simulations |
Chemical abundances |
Disk galaxies |
Dwarf galaxies |
Elliptical galaxies |
Emission line galaxies |
Galaxy bulges |
Galaxy classification systems |
Galaxy dark matter halos |
Galaxy disks |
Galaxy environments |
Galaxy evolution |
Galaxy formation |
Galaxy mergers |
Galaxy spheroids |
Galaxy stellar halos |
Galaxy structure |
High-redshift galaxies |
Infrared photometry |
Interacting galaxies |
Intergalactic dust clouds |
Intergalactic medium |
Irregular galaxies |
Local Group |
Luminous infrared galaxies |
Magellanic clouds |
Quenched galaxies |
Scaling relations |
Spectral energy distribution |
Star clusters |
Star formation |
Starburst galaxies |
Stellar populations |
Ultraluminous infrared galaxies |
Warm-hot intergalactic medium |
Exoplanets and Exoplanet Formation |
Astronomical models |
Astronomical simulations |
Biomarkers |
Chemical composition |
Circumstellar disks |
Coronagraphic imaging |
Debris disks |
Exoplanet atmospheres |
Exoplanet atmospheric composition |
Exoplanet atmospheric variability |
Exoplanet detection methods |
Exoplanet evolution |
Exoplanet formation |
Exoplanet structure |
Exoplanet surfaces |
Exoplanet systems |
Exoplanets |
Extrasolar gas giants |
Extrasolar ice giants |
Extrasolar rocky planets |
Free floating planets |
Natural satellites (Extrasolar) |
Planet hosting stars |
Protoplanetary disks (Extrasolar) |
Space weather |
Transits |
Stellar Populations and the Interstellar Medium |
Astrometry |
Astronomical models |
Astronomical simulations |
Chemical abundances |
Dwarf galaxies |
Early-type stars |
Elliptical galaxies |
Galactic center |
Galaxy bulges |
Galaxy evolution |
Galaxy halos |
Galaxy spheroids |
Globular star clusters |
Gravitational microlensing |
H II regions |
Hertzsprung Russell diagram |
Intermediate type stars |
Interstellar dust |
Interstellar ices |
Interstellar medium |
Irregular galaxies |
Late-type stars |
Local Group |
Magellanic Clouds |
Open star clusters |
Planetary nebulae |
Population I stars |
Population II stars |
Population III stars |
Star clusters |
Star formation |
Stellar distance |
Supermassive Black Holes and Active Galaxies |
AGN host galaxies |
Astronomical models |
Astronomical simulations |
Blazars |
Broad-absorption line quasar |
Emission line galaxies |
Galaxy jets |
Galaxy winds |
High-luminosity active galactic nuclei |
LINER galaxies |
Low-luminosity active galactic nuclei |
Markarian galaxies |
M-sigma relation |
Quasars |
Quenched galaxies |
Radio cores |
Reverberation mapping |
Seyfert galaxies |
Stellar accretion disks |
Stellar feedback |
Supermassive black holes |
X-ray active galactic nuclei |
Large-scale Structure of the Universe |
Astronomical models |
Astronomical simulations |
Chemical abundances |
Cooling flows |
Cosmic infrared background |
Cosmological parameters |
Cosmology |
Damped Lyman-Alpha Systems |
Dark energy |
Dark matter distribution |
Extragalactic Legacy And Deep Fields |
Galaxy clusters |
Galaxy groups |
Gamma-ray bursts |
Gravitational lensing |
Gunn-Peterson effect |
Intracluster medium |
Large-scale structure of the universe |
Lyman-Alpha Forest |
Protogalaxies |
Protostars |
Reionization |
Stellar distance |
Supernovae |