NIRISS Technical Library

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TitleAuthorsPublication Info
The Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph for the James Webb Space Telescope - I. Instrument Overview and In-Flight PerformanceR. Doyon, C. J. Willott, J. B. Hutchings et al.2023, PASP, 135, 098001
A Summary of the Commissioning of JWST NIRISSA. Martel

JWST-STScI-008232 (pdf)

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Characterization of JWST Science Performance from CommissioningJ. Rigby, M. Perrin, M. McElwain et al.2023, PASP, 135, 048001
The James Webb Space Telescope Mission: Optical Telescope Element Design, Development, and PerformanceM. W. McElwain, L. D. Feinberg, M. D. Perrin et al.2023, PASP, 135, 058001
The JWST Fine Guidance Sensor (FGS) and Near-Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph (NIRISS)R. Doyon, J. B. Hutchings, M. Beaulieu et al.2012, SPIE, 8442, 84422R


TitleAuthorsPublication Info
The Population of Cosmic Rays and Snowballs Detected in the JWST NIRISS InstrumentA. R. Martel, R. Cooper, K. Volk

JWST-STScI-008875 (pdf)

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An Algorithm to Mitigate Charge Migration Effects in Data from the Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph on the James Webb Space TelescopeP. Goudfrooij, D. Grumm, K. Volk, & H. Bushouse2024, PASP, 136, 014503
NIRISS Commissioning Results: NIS-009 Detector Gain and Linearity (NGAS CAR-348, APT 1084)R. Cooper, K. Volk

JWST-STScI-008277 (pdf)

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NIRISS Commissioning Results: NIS-006 Darks (NGAS CAR-345, APT 1081)R. Cooper, K. Volk, C. Willott

JWST-STScI-008397 (pdf)

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NIRISS Commissioning Results: NIS-011a Illumination Flat FieldsJ. Taylor, K. Volk, C. Willott

JWST-STScI-008297 (pdf)

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The Ghosts of NIRISS: ImagingA. Martel

JWST-STScI-004877 (pdf)

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Aperture Masking Interferometry

TitleAuthorsPublication Info
The Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph for the James Webb Space Telescope – IV. Aperture Masking InterferometryA. Sivaramakrishnan, P. Tuthill, J. P. Loyd et al.2023, PASP, 135, 015003
Commissioning and Calibration of the JWST Aperture Masking Interferometry ModeR. A. Cooper, D. Thatte, A. Sivaramakrishnan et al.2024, SPIE, 13095, 130952R
The Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph for JWST – V. Kernel Phase Imaging and Data AnalysisJ. Kammerer, R. Cooper, T. Vandal et al.2023, PASP, 135, 014502
Performance of Near-Infrared High-Contrast Imaging Methods with JWST from CommissioningJ. Kammerer, J. Girard, A. L. Carter et al.2022, SPIE, 12180, 121803N
NIRISS Commissioning Results: NIS-019 NRM Performance (NGAS CAR-703, APT 1093)A. Sivaramakrishnan, D. Thatte, R. Cooper et al.

JWST-STScI-008334 (pdf)

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Detecting Planetary Mass Companions Near the Water Frost-Line using JWST InterferometryS. Ray, S. Hinkley, S. Sallum et al.2023, MNRAS, 519, 2718
Non-redundant Aperture Masking Interferometry (AMI) and Segment Phase with JWST-NIRISSA. Sivaramakrishnan, D. Lafrenière, K. E. S. Ford et al. 2012, SPIE, 8442, 84422S


TitleAuthorsPublication Info
NIRISS Cycle 1 Photometric Calibration ObservationsK. Volk

JWST-STScI-008776 (pdf)


NIRISS Commissioning Results: NIS-013(a) - NIRISS-FGS alignment and SIAF Update (NGAS CAR-376, APT 1088)S. T. Sohn

JWST-STScI-008352 (pdf)

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NIRISS Commissioning Results: NIS-011(b) - NIRISS Geometric Distortion Calibration (NGAS CAR-374, APT 1086)S. T. Sohn

JWST-STScI-008323 (pdf)

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NIRISS Commissioning Results: NIS-022 - NIRISS PSF Characterization (NGAS CAR-706, APT 1096)P. Goudfrooij, S. Ravindranath

JWST-STScI-008324 (pdf)

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NIRISS Commissioning Results: NIS-013(b) - Spatial Filter-to-Filter OffsetsP. Goudfrooij

JWST-STScI-008239 (pdf)

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NIRISS On-Orbit Throughput CalibrationK. Volk

JWST-STScI-008268 (pdf)

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NIRISS Commissioning Results: Imaging Photometric CalibrationK. Volk

JWST-STScI-008269 (pdf)

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NIRISS Commissioning Results: NIS-020 - NIRISS Photometric Zeropoints (NGAS CAR-707, APT 1094)P. Goudfrooij

JWST-STScI-008267 (pdf)

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Accuracy and Precision of Centroid Algorithms in the photutils Python Package for NIRISS Point Spread FunctionsP. Goudfrooij

JWST-STScI-008116 (pdf)


Single Object Slitless Spectroscopy

TitleAuthorsPublication Info
The Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph for the James Webb Space Telescope – III. Single Object Slitless SpectroscopyL. Albert, D. Lafreniere, R. Doyon et al.2023, PASP, 135, 075001
JWST NIRISS/SOSS: Advancements in Calibration and Observational Tools for Exoplanetary ScienceT. Baines, N. Espinoza, J. Filippazzo, K. Volk, A. Carter2024, SPIE, 13092, 1309212
NIRISS Cycle 1 SOSS PhotometryK. Volk

JWST-STScI-008778 (pdf)


Characterization of the visit-to-visit Stability of the GR700XD Spectral Traces for NIRISS/SOSS Observations (PASTASOSS paper #1)T. Baines, N. Espinoza, J. Filippazzo

JWST-STScI-008448 (pdf)

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Characterization of the visit-to-visit Stability of the GR700XD Wavelength Calibration for NIRISS/SOSS Observations (PASTASOSS paper #2)T. Baines, N. Espinoza, J. Filippazzo, K. Volk

JWST-STScI-008571 (pdf)

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NAP-018: NIS-018 NIRISS GR700XD Wavelength Calibration (NGAS CAR-702, APT 1092)J. Filippazzo, A. Roy

JWST-STScI-008422 (pdf)

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NIRISS Commissioning Results: NIRISS Single Object Slitless Spectroscopy Photometric CalibrationK. Volk

JWST-STScI-008279 (pdf)

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Wide Field Slitless Spectroscopy

Title AuthorsPublication Info
The Near-infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph for the James Webb Space Telescope. II. Wide Field Slitless SpectroscopyC. J. Willott, R. Doyon, L. Albert et al. 2022, PASP, 134, 025002
NIRISS Commissioning Results: NIS-015 - NIRISS GR150C/R Trace Calibration (NGAS CAR-699, APT 1089)S. Ravindranath

JWST-STScI-008386 (pdf)

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NIRISS Commissioning Results: NIS-015 - NIRISS GR150C R Flux Calibration (NGAS CAR-699, APT 1089)S. Ravindranath

JWST-STScI - 008328 (pdf)

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NIRISS Commissioning Results: NIS-016 GR150C and GR150R Grism Wavelength Calibration (NGAS CAR 700, APT 1090)C. Pacifici

JWST-STScI-008296 (pdf)

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NIRISS Dither Patterns for the WFSS and Imaging Observing ModesP. Goudfrooij

JWST-STScI-004466 (pdf)

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