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- JDox Updates 12 July - 6 December 2022
JDox Updates 12 July - 6 December 2022
JWST User Documentation articles updated between 12 July and 6 December 2022 are provided in this page.
On this page
New JDox articles for the Cycle 2 Call for Proposals
Updated JDox articles for the Cycle 2 Call for Proposals
All articles have been reviewed for Cycle 2.
Only articles with notable updates are listed here.
Articles with minor changes are not listed below but you will see an update timestamp at the bottom of each updated page.
Article | Updated on | Update description |
Home page | ||
Recent Developments |
| Announcement about release of APT v2022.7.2 |
Announcement of Cycle 2 software and documentation freeze | ||
| Announcement about Cycle 2 Call for Proposals and the micrometeoroid avoidance zone (MAZ) | |
MIRI MRS resumed operations, JWST PUB CRDS server to be decommissioned | ||
| Update on how to express the heritage of data products in publications | |
Updated information on MIRI MRS and NIRSpec performance | ||
| Added pointer to DOI information in the Publication section | |
| Added new information on JWST data analysis tools | |
Observatory: Hardware | ||
JWST Telescope |
| Updated to reflect in-flight performance |
JWST Wavefront Sensing and Control |
| Added updates based on commissioning data |
| Post launch text updates | |
Observatory: Observatory Characteristics | ||
| Updated with information for on-orbit performance from commissioning and early operations. | |
| Updated with information for on-orbit performance from commissioning and early operations | |
| Added micrometeoroid avoidance zone (MAZ) awareness warning box for Cy. 2 and forward | |
| Updated description of Reference Angle Definitions | |
JWST Target Observability and Observatory Coordinate System |
| Added a note about the micrometeoroid avoidance zone |
| Updated with actual JWST orbit information | |
Instruments: MIRI | ||
| Updated filter PCEs to show in-flight measurements | |
| Updated with in-flight measurements | |
MIRI LRS Recommended Strategies |
| Added information on TSO backgrounds |
| Updated based on in-flight measurements | |
| Updated based on in-flight measurements | |
MIRI TSO Recommended Strategies |
| Updated to replace "pre-flight" predictions with in-flight information |
MIRI Coronagraphic Recommended Strategies |
| Added Cycle 2 warning about background images |
MIRI Imaging Recommended Strategies |
| Updated dither recommendations for Cycle 2 |
MIRI Cross-Mode Recommended Strategies |
| Updated with recommendations based on in-flight data |
MIRI Detector Performance |
| Updated based on in-flight measurements |
MIRI Filters and Dispersers |
| Updated based on commissioning data |
MIRI Detector Subarrays |
| Updated starting row of 5 subarrays (changed in commissioning) |
MIRI Instrument Features and Caveats |
| Updated cruciform figure |
MIRI MRS Dedicated Sky Observations |
| Significantly revised guidance based on lessons learned during commissioning and early Cycle 1 observations. |
MIRI MRS PSF and Dithering |
| Significant revisions to figures and guidance based on results from MIRI commissioning |
MIRI MRS Field and Coordinates |
| Updated figures and values for Cycle 2 |
| Updated MRS and LRS to in-flight numbers | |
| Added information about the use of these dither patterns, and a published reference describing ERS results | |
| Added information for background quadrant and repeat background option; changed Figure 1 to accurately reflect quadrant naming | |
| Added alerts about Cycle 2 coronagraphic observing restrictions based on commissioning data | |
| Updated Wavelength range and FOV of MRS to inflight numbers | |
Instruments: NIRCam | ||
| Added information on SW+LW filter combinations | |
| Added information about simultaneous SW/LW operations | |
| Added information on FoV considerations and a note about MASK430R. | |
| Added information on dual SW+LW mode for Cycle 2 | |
| Updated for APT 2022.7.1 | |
NIRCam Small Grid Dithers |
| Added on-sky examples of SGD (fig 2) |
| Added updated dither ASCII tables | |
NIRCam Coronagraph Astrometric Confirmation Images |
| Added on-sky example (Figure 2) |
NIRCam Coronagraphic Occulting Masks and Lyot Stops |
| Added focal plane images (on-sky) |
NIRCam Flat Fields |
| Updated all figures/text with in-flight flat corrections, and added new bad pixel regions on B5 |
NIRCam Grism Time Series |
| ETC v2.0 updated grism saturation limits Figure 5 |
NIRCam Point Spread Functions |
| Updated all figures and tables with the simulated PSF used in the Cycle 2 ETC |
NIRCam Bright Source Limits |
| ETC v2 updates to figures and tables |
NIRCam Filters |
| Updated throughputs in tables and figures using in-flight data |
| Updated throughputs from in-flight data entered in tables; figures updated to reflect those changes | |
| ETC v2 updates to imaging sensitivities (not grism) | |
| ETC v2 update to Figure 1 showing depth vs. exposure time | |
| ETC v2 updates to sensitivity & saturation plots | |
| Added updated dither tables and figures | |
| Added updated dither ASCII tables | |
| ETC v2 updates to saturation plots | |
| Added subarrays for simultaneous SW+LW coronagraphy, available starting in Cycle 2 | |
| Added subarrays for simultaneous SW+LW coronagraphy, available starting in Cycle 2 | |
| Updated coronagraph filter availability in Fig. 3 | |
| Figure 1 was updated to reflect the referenced location of the spectra. FULLP subarray was replaced with FULL. | |
| Added NIRCamDitherPatterns.zip file (replacing previous file) with updates from in-flight data, and corresponding updates to the text. | |
| Added NIRCamDitherPatterns.zip file (replacing previous file) with updates from in-flight data, and corresponding updates to the text. | |
| Updated Figure 1 plot based on commissioning data. Alignment between SW and LW in module B has improved. | |
| TA is no longer required to put targets in SUB64P subarray overlap. | |
| Updated correlated double sampling (CDS) and effective noise with in-flight results | |
| Updated for Cycle 2 using results from commissioning | |
| Added "Position angle" section | |
NIRCam Apertures |
| Added coronagraphic apertures for Cycle 2. Several clarifications in the text. Added tables in Idl coordinates. |
| Added in-flight persistence plots and info | |
| Updated to mention persistence is somewhat worse than expected (details forthcoming) | |
| Added commissioning update | |
Instruments: NIRISS | ||
| Updated with new GR700XD throughput and resolving power figures informed by in-flight performance | |
| Updated grism throughput curves and trace angles measured from in-flight data | |
| Added measured dispersion solution from commissioning data | |
| Updated to add Figure 1 to show the target offset relative to TA location. Other Cycle 2 updates made. | |
| Updated to reflect in-flight performance as measured during JWST commissioning | |
| Updated to use in-flight sensitivities measured during JWST commissioning | |
| Updated to support imaging as a prime observing mode | |
| Updated to support imaging as a prime observing mode | |
| Updated to reflect in-flight performance. Added a table with filter zeropoints. | |
| Updated to support NIRISS Imaging as a prime mode in Cycle 2 and to use in-flight values for pixel scale and filter plot. | |
| Updated TA magnitude limits to reflect in-flight performance | |
| Updated to support NIRISS imaging as a prime mode in Cycle 2 | |
| Updated to support NIRISS imaging as a prime mode for Cycle 2 | |
| Updated pixel scale to measurements from in-flight observation | |
| Added information on mitigating snowball artifacts | |
| Updated to support NIRISS imaging as prime mode in Cycle 2 | |
| Updated for Cycle 2 | |
| Updated to support NIRISS Imaging as a prime mode in Cycle 2 | |
| Added subarray corner pixel locations as new columns to Tables 1 and 2 | |
| Updated frame times for SUBTASOSS and SUBTAAMI | |
| Updated pixel scale based on-flight observations and updated Figure 4 to use an in-flight image | |
| Updated to in-flight measurements based on commissioning data | |
| Updated with in-flight performance values | |
| Updated with in-flight performance values | |
| Updated imaging pixel scale | |
Instruments: NIRSpec | ||
NIRSpec FS Dither and Nod Patterns |
| Values in Tables 2 and 3 have been updated for on-orbit performance |
NIRSpec MSA Target Acquisition |
| Revised text to explicitly mention the 30" roll accuracy requirement for catalogs |
| NIRSpec MSA slitlet nods (Table 2) updated based on commissioning data | |
NIRSpec MSATA Reference Star Selection Recommended Strategies |
| Updated to state our current understanding of MSATA with compact galaxies |
| Updated MOS process deadlines | |
NIRSpec Target Acquisition Recommended Strategies |
| Added warning on need for accurate coordinates, proper motions and for correct specification of epoch, and details of epoch. |
NIRSpec Detector Performance |
| Major updates to reflect in-orbit data |
NIRSpec Wide Aperture Target Acquisition |
| Added a warning about the PI's responsibility in ensuring accurate coordinates, proper motion and epoch. Updated "brightness limits" section. |
NIRSpec Verify Only Target Acquisition |
| Added clarification that the use of custom MSA configs is not currently supported; added some additional information clarifying saturation risks |
NIRSpec Target Acquisition |
| Changed language regarding protective MSA configurations |
| Figures 2 and 3 replaced to show relative difference in PCE between pre-launch predictions and on-orbit performance | |
| Figures updated to present instrument on-orbit performance | |
| Figures updated to present instrument on-orbit performance | |
| Major updates to latest TA recommendations for WATA and MSATA | |
| Major changes in target acquisition information | |
NIRSpec Instrument Features and Caveats |
| Added note about repeating observations impacted by MSA shorts |
| Added availability of new flat field reference files | |
NIRSpec MPT - Catalogs |
| Corrected the advice to users about registering to GAIA and NIRCam pre-images |
| Reviewed and edited to give advice about target ID values, and to emphasize limits on values for stellarity, target ID, and Weight | |
| Major change to target acquisition recommendations | |
| Added warning to Table 1 row 1 that observation number should not be changed during program implementation | |
| Added warning that users should not change MOS observation number during program implementation | |
Proposal Preparation: JWST General Support | ||
JWST Background Model |
| Updated based on commissioning data |
JWST Slew Times and Overheads |
| Updated Figure 1 and Tables 1 and 2 to APT 2022.7 |
Proposal Preparation: Methods and Roadmaps | ||
| Added a NIRCam in-flight contrast example (Fig. 2) | |
2024-07-22_20-47-44_Moving Target Calibration and Processing |
| Updated extensively using in-flight knowledge |
Moving Target Field of Regard |
| Added information about the micrometeoroid avoidance zone (MAZ) |
JWST High-Contrast Imaging Roadmap |
| Updated MIRI performance metrics |
HCI Small Grid Dithers |
| Added offset sizes (in mas) for MIRI and NIRCam |
HCI Inner Working Angle |
| Updated inner working angle values in Table 1 |
HCI Optics |
| Updated coronagraph filter properties |
HCI NIRISS Limiting Contrast |
| Updated to use in-flight measurements from JWST commissioning |
| Added information for adding dedicated background targets; added warning about MIRI dedicated backgrounds to mitigate glow sticks | |
| Updated for Cycle 2, including updated sensitivities in Figure 3 and to note that NIRISS imaging is now supported as a prime observing mode | |
| Updated to support NIRISS imaging as a prime observing mode starting in Cycle 2 | |
| Updated for Cycle 2 | |
| Added warning that users should not change MOS observation number during program implementation | |
| Updated for post-commissioning release | |
| Revised nomenclature for Cycle 2 | |
Proposing Tools: ETC | ||
| Updated MIRI, NIRCam, and NIRSpec information for on-orbit file deliveries, and updated dictionary examples. Updated for ETC 2.0. | |
| Update for ETC 2.0. Added a caveat about the wavelengths reported by the 1-D plots and 2-D images. | |
| Updated for ETC 2.0. Added additional information to Table 1 (Default and maximum scene size used in the calculation) | |
| Updated for ETC 2.0. Added information about folders. | |
| Updated for ETC 2.0. | |
| Updated for ETC 2.0. Added information on the contrast calculation. | |
Proposing Tools: APT | ||
APT Special Requirements |
| Updated description of implicit SRs; added reference information about the micrometeoroid avoidance zone. |
Proposing Tools: Other Tools | ||
| JIST has been updated for in-orbit performance expectations | |
JWST General Target Visibility Tool Help |
| Updated for JWST General Target Visibility Tool (GTVT) version 0.3.0. |
JWST Moving Target Visibility Tool Help |
| Updated for JWST Moving Target Visibility Tool (MTVT) version 0.3.0. |
Data | ||
JWST MIRI MRS Pipeline Caveats |
| Updated with in-flight measurements |
| Added caveats to wavelength calibration | |
| Added a link on how to cite JWST data and reference files | |
| Added note that CRDS PUB will be decommissioned | |
Added information about subscription to mailing list for updates to reference files | ||
Included explanation about the differences between the CRDS JWST OPS and PUB servers. | ||
Included information about status of reference files after commissioning. | ||
Snowballs and Shower Artifacts |
| Updated with MIRI showers figure and pipeline information |
calwebb_spec2 |
| Added information about the steps for WFSS contamination removal and wavelength assignments |
| Updated for Cycle 2 with some further discussion of the wave cal issue | |
| Minor updates: bad pixels can cause spikes and dips in the extracted products; custom extraction aperture requires use_source_posn to be set to False | |
| Figure 1 updated with in-flight data | |
JWST Calibration Pipeline Caveats |
| Added note that CRDS PUB server will be decommissioned |
| Updated CRDS context for NIRCam imaging and TSO imaging | |
| Added a sentence that publications should mention the server used to retrieve reference files for processing data | |
| Updated CRDS context for NIRISS WFSS | |
| Updated CRDS Context for NIRSpec | |
| Updated CRDS Context for NIRISS WFSS | |
| Updated MIRI LRS reference file context to jwst_0927.pmap | |
| Added JWST Science Data Processing subsystem changes included in this build. | |
| Additional comments on steps applied to individual detectors and saturation detection | |
| Added info on source_catalog step in calwebb_image3 reporting large error values due to a bug | |
| Updated issues to be only those found in build 8.0.1 | |
| Added known issues with the pipeline found during commissioning | |
| Updates for ERO and commissioning data public release. Added table of videos | |
| Updates for ERO and commissioning data public release. Added specreduce package. | |
| Updates for ERO and commissioning data public release. |
Notable updates | See the date at the top of each table |
Originally published |