JWST Acronyms and Abbreviations
A reference list of acronyms and abbreviations used in JWST user documentation is provided in this article.
Also, the University of Arizona NIRCam team have provided a more extensive project-wide listing of JWST acronyms that you may find useful. (This link goes outside the JWST documentation site.)
Updates to this listing will be republished periodically as new articles/acronyms are added.
Item | Description |
2MASS | Two Micron All-Sky Survey |
4QPM | 4-quadrant phase mask (also FQPM) |
4QPMC | 4-quadrant phase mask coronagraph |
AA | Associate Administrator |
AC | association candidate |
ACS | (Context sensitive) Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys, or JWST attitude control subsystem |
AD | attempt duration |
ADI/ADIS | angular differential imaging/ADI strategy |
ADU | analog-to-digital units |
AGB | asymptotic giant branch |
AGN | active galactic nuclei |
ALMA | Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array |
AMI | aperture masking interferometry |
AO | adaptive optics |
APA | aperture position angle (also PA) |
API | application program interface |
APT | Astronomer's Proposal Tool |
AR | anti-reflective |
ASDF | Advanced Scientific Data Format |
ASIC | Application Specific Integrated Circuit |
AU | astronomical unit |
APO | anamorphic pre optics |
BB | blackbody |
BF | blocking filter |
BMG | background model generator |
BOTA | bright object target acquisition |
BOTS | bright object time series |
C | contrast (used in high contrast imaging discussions) |
C&DH | Command & Data Handling |
CAA | calibration assembly (NIRSpec) |
CANDELS | Cosmic Assembly Near-Infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey |
CANUCS | Canadian NIRISS Unbiased Cluster Survey |
CCD | charge coupled device |
CDBS | Calibration Database System |
CDS | correlated double sampling |
CFM | coarse focus mechanism |
CHM | constrained heat map |
COBE | Cosmic Background Explorer |
CoI | co-investigator |
COLL | collimator optics |
COM | coronagraphic optical mount |
CSA | Canadian Space Agency |
CSV | comma separated variable |
CVT | Coronagraphic Visibility Tool |
CVZ | continuous viewing zone |
CV3 | cryo-vacuum test #3 |
DBS | dichroic beam splitter |
DCL | Detector Characterization Laboratory |
DD-ERS | director’s discretionary early release science (see also ERS) |
DDT | director's discretionary time |
Dec/DEC | declination |
DHS | dispersed Hartman sensing |
DMS/DMSWG | Data Management System/Data Management System Working Group |
DN | digital number |
DP | Discovery Portal |
DPA | double prism assembly |
DRM | Design Reference Mission |
DSFG | dusty star forming galaxies |
DSN | Deep Space Network |
DSS | Digital Sky Survey |
EE | encircled energy |
EGS | extended Groth strip |
ELG | emission line galaxy |
EOG | extreme outer galaxy |
EPPO | Every Page is Page One |
ERS | early release science (see also DD-ERS) |
ESA | European Space Agency |
ETC | Exposure Time Calculator |
FC | failed closed (NIRSpec micro-shutters) |
FDF | Fight Dynamics Facility |
FGS | Fine Guidance Sensor |
FFA | full frame astrometry |
FITS | Flexible Image Transport System |
FO | failed open |
FOR | field of regard |
FOT | Flight Operations Team |
FOV | field of view |
FP | failure probability |
FPA | focal plane array |
FPE | focal plane electronics |
FQPM | 4-quadrant phase mask (also 4QPM) |
FRC | Financial Review Committee |
FRD | focal ratio degradation |
FS | fixed slit |
FSW | FGS flight software |
FSM | fine steering mirror |
FW | filter wheel |
FWA | filter wheel assembly |
FWHM | full width at half maximum |
GO | general observer |
GOODS | Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey |
GS | guide star |
GSC | Guide Star Catalog |
GSFC | Goddard Space Flight Center |
GSC2.3 | Guide Star Catalog 2.3 |
GSMF | galaxy stellar mass function |
GSSS | Guide Star Selection System |
GTO | guaranteed time observer |
GTVT | General Target Visibility Tool |
GUI | graphical user interface |
GWA | grating wheel assembly |
H2RG | HAWAII 2RG Astronomical Wide Area Infrared Imager |
HCI | high-contrast imaging |
HDU | Header data unit |
HFF | Hubble Frontier Field |
HGA | high gain antenna |
HgCdTe | mercury-cadmium-telluride |
HLA | Hubble Legacy Archive |
HSC | Hubble Source Catalog |
HST | Hubble Space Telescope (a.k.a. Hubble) |
HUDF | Hubble Ultra-Deep Field |
HWHM | half width at half maximum |
IBC | impurity-band conduction |
ICDH | ISIM Command and Data Handling |
ICE | instrument control electronics |
ICRS | International Celestial Reference System |
IDS | interdisciplinary scientist |
IDT | instrument development team |
IEC | ISIM electronics compartment |
IFS | integral field spectroscopy (or spectrograph) |
IFU | integral field unit |
IMF | initial mass function |
IPAC | Infrared Processing and Analysis Center |
IPC | Inter-pixel capacitance |
IPR | internal phase retrieval |
IPS | intra-pixel sensitivity |
IRAC | Infrared Array Camera (Spitzer) |
IRC | Infrared Camera (AKARI satellite) |
IRS | Infrared Spectrograph (Spitzer) |
IRS2 | improved reference sampling and subtraction |
IS | instrument scientist |
ISIM | Integrated Science Instrument Module |
ISM | Interstellar medium |
IWA | inner working angle |
JADES | JWST Advanced Extragalactic Survey |
JBT | JWST Background Tool |
JDox | JWST User Documentation (shorthand) |
JIST | JWST Interactive Sensitivity Tool |
JPL | Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
JWST | James Webb Space Telescope |
KLIP | Karhunen-Lo`eve image projection |
L2 | Lagrange point #2, specifically Sun-Earth L2, about which JWST orbits |
LAE | Lyman alpha emitter |
LAP | limited access parameters |
LED | light emitting diode |
LOCI | locally optimized combination of images |
LOS | line of sight |
LRP | long range plan |
LRS | low resolution spectroscopy (or spectrograph) |
LSF | line spread function |
LT | light traps |
LW | long wavelength |
LWC | long wavelength channel |
LyC | Lyot coronagraph |
MAST | Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes |
MAZ | micrometeoroid avoidance zone |
MCAO | multi-conjugate adaptive optics |
MCE | micro-shutter control electronics |
MGA | medium gain antenna |
MIMF | multi-instrument multi-field |
MIPS | Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer |
MIRI | Mid-Infrared Instrument |
MIRIM | MIRI imager |
MOCD | Mission Operations Concept Document |
MOS | multi-object spectroscopy (or spectrograph) |
MOSViz | Multiobject Spectrometer Visualization Tool |
MPC | Minor Planet Center |
MPPT | NIRSpec MOS pre-image planning tool |
MPT | NIRSpec MSA Planning Tool |
MRDP | minimum recommended data products |
MRE | mono-propellant rocket engine |
MRP | minimum recommended products |
MRS | medium resolution spectroscopy (or spectrograph) |
MSA | micro-shutter assembly |
MTVT | Moving Target Visibility Tool |
MU | momentum unload |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
NAVO | NASA Astronomical Virtual Observatory |
NCP | north celestial pole |
ND | neutral density |
NEA | noise equivalent angle or near Earth asteroid |
NEATM | near Earth asteroid thermal model |
NED | NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database |
NEO | near Earth object |
NEP | north ecliptic pole |
NGST | Next Generation Space Telescope |
Northrop Grumman Space Technologies | |
NIRCam | Near Infrared Camera |
NIRISS | Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph |
NIRSpec | Near Infrared Spectrograph |
NLR | narrow line region |
NOI | notice of intent |
NOVT | NIRSpec Observation Visualization Tool |
NRC | NIRCam |
NRM | non-redundant mask |
NRS | NIRSpec |
NSF | National Science Foundation |
OPD | optical path difference |
OPE | observation plan executive |
OSF | observatory status file |
OSS | Onboard Script Subsystem |
OTE | Optical Telescope Element |
OTIS | Optical Telescope Element/Integrated Science Instrument Module |
PA | position angle (also APA) |
PAPPA | pupil alignment pinhole projector assembly |
PAR | pupil alignment reference |
PC | program coordinator |
PCA | principal component analysis |
PCE | photon conversion efficiency |
PCG | Proposal Constraint Generator |
PCR | Proposal Change Request |
PCS | pointing control system |
portable document format | |
PI | principal investigator |
PIL | pupil imaging lens |
PMS | pre-main sequence |
PN | planetary nebula |
POM | pick-off mirror |
POSS | Palomar Observatory Sky Survey |
PPC | post pixel coupling |
PPS | Proposal Planning Subsystem |
PRD | Project Reference Database |
PSF | point spread function |
PTC | photon transfer curve |
PW | pupil wheel |
PV | pointing verification |
QE | quantum efficiency |
QY | quantum yield |
RA | right ascension |
RAL | Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
RDI | referenced differential imaging |
RMA | refocus mechanism assembly |
RMS | root mean square |
ROI | region of interest |
RPS | ram pressure stripping |
RQE | relative quantum efficiency |
RSS | reference star strategy |
RVS | Raytheon Vision Systems |
s | apparent separation |
SAM | small angle maneuver |
SCA | sensor chip assembly |
SCP | south celestial pole |
SCAT | Secondary Combustion Augmented Thruster |
SCS | simple cone search |
SD | slew duration |
SDP | Science Data Processing subsystem |
SDSS | Sloan Digital Sky Survey |
SED | spectral energy distribution |
SGD | small grid dither (or dithering) |
SGDS | small grid dither strategy |
Si:Ar | arsenic-doped silicon |
SIAF | Science Instrument Aperture File |
SIAP | Simple Image Access protocol |
SIDECAR ASIC | System for Image Digitization, Enhancement, Control, and Retrieval Application-Specific Integrated Circuit |
SIMBAD | Set of Identifications, Measurements and Bibliography for Astronomical Data |
SMD | NASA Science Mission Directorate |
SMO | spectrometer main optics |
SNR | signal-to-noise ratio (also S/N) |
SPO | spectrometer pre-optics |
SODRM | Science Operations Design Reference Mission |
SOSS | single object slitless spectroscopy |
SPO | spectrometer pre-optics |
SR | special requirement |
SSAP | Simple Spectral Access Protocol |
SSR | Solid State Recorder |
SSS | same scheduling set |
STM | standard thermal model |
STScI | Space Telescope Science Institute |
SW | short wavelength |
SWC | short wavelength channel |
SWG | Science Working Group |
TA | target acquisition |
TAC | time allocation committee |
TAP | Table Access Protocol |
TDF | time domain field |
TFI | tunable filter imager |
TMA | three mirror assembly |
ToO/TOO | target of opportunity |
TPS | target pointing specification |
TSO | time-series observation |
TSV | tab separated variable |
TTRB | Telescope Time Review Board |
TVT | target visibility tool(s) |
UDF | Uktra Deep Field |
UT | universal time |
V3PA | position angle of the JWST Observatory V3 reference axis |
VAS | variable aperture system |
VO | Virtual Observatory |
VOT | Virtual Observatory Table |
VP | visit planner |
WATA | wide aperture target acquisition |
WCS | world coordinate system |
WFC | wide field channel |
WFC3 | Wide Field Camera 3 (HST) |
WFE | wavefront error |
WFS&C | wavefront sensing & control (also WS&C) |
WFSS | wide field slitless spectroscopy |
WISE | Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer mission |
WL | weak lens |
WOPR | Webb Operations Problem Report |
WS&C | wavefront sensing & control (also WFS&C) |
YSO | young stellar object |