Policy 3 - Data Requests and Facilities

STScI shall provide astronomers in the US and international communities a means to retrieve modest amounts of JWST data from the archive at no cost to them.  Furthermore, STScI will adopt the same practices and procedures for delivering data to Guaranteed Time Observers (GTOs), GOs and archive researchers regardless of whether they reside in U.S. or non-U.S. institutions. 

STScI shall refer, with its recommendation, any U.S. requests for copies of significant portions of the JWST archives to the JWST Project who will refer it to the NASA Science Mission Directorate. It is expected that the full costs for providing such copies will be borne by the recipient. STScI will make its best effort to meet approved requests, on a non-interference basis, consistent with meeting its operational responsibilities.

STScI shall refer, with its recommendation, any non-U.S. requests for copies of significant portions of the JWST archives to the JWST Project who will refer it to the NASA Science Mission Directorate and the NASA HQ Office of External Relations through the normal JWST Project channel. It is expected that full costs for providing such copies will be borne by the recipient. The receiving institution or agency may be expected to provide distribution of these data to their local groups, and STScI may refer any such requests to the recipient.

Agreements will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis by the receiving institution or agency, the NASA HQ Office of External Relations, STScI, the JWST Project, and the JWST Program Office as appropriate. STScI will make its best effort to meet approved requests, on a non-interference basis, consistent with meeting its operational responsibilities.

Approved by:

Edward J. Weiler, Associate Administrator, Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters.  1/5/2010

Paul Hertz, Chief Scientist, Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters. 12/30/2009

Jon A. Morse, Director, Astrophysics Division, Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters.   12/7/2009

Eric P. Smith, JWST Program Scientist, Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters.  11/30/2009

In accordance with Contract NAS5-03127, Statement of Work, Section A.4, A.5, the following guidelines are policies promulgated by the NASA Associate Administrator (AA) for the Science Mission Directorate (SMD) with regard to the implementation of the JWST science mission. Any reference to JWST Program or Project refers to the NASA JWST Program or Project unless explicitly noted otherwise.

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Originally published