Global Multiexcerpts

Multiexcerpt "About-latest-update-table" explains how to populate Latest update table

The "Latest updates" page properties table above is only used to record major updates. Do not fill it out if you edit to fix grammar or links. For software to work, please fill it out as described:

  • 1st row "Latest updates" - use a bullet for each date.
    • create a bullet point 
    • use the "//" command that opens the Confluence calendar and enter the date 
    • Type <shift-return> to the next line to enter a brief description of the update(s)
  • 2nd row "Originally published" - don't change this date, if you think it is wrong talk to Shireen

Multiexcerpt "about-PageInfo-PP"  explains the new PageInfo page properties table

This table is used with page properties reports to collect information about pages. Fields shaded red – Category and Workflow – should not be edited. Feel free to use other fields for your records/notes. Its use is optional.

  1. Category - article type, please do not edit it. 
  2. Owner: person responsible for page updates. (Use "@" to enter a name)
  3. PRdate: Date this page was last set to Publication Ready. Please do not edit. 
  4. Workflow: status appears automatically. Please do not edit. 
  5. Comments: brief minor comments, one per bullet. For major issues, create a JDOXCM ticket. 

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