Solar System Standard Targets
The Solar System Targets form is used to specify moving targets in some JWST observations. This article provides a list of standard solar system targets for the Astronomer’s Proposal Tool (APT).
Table 1. Solar System Standard Targets
Level 1 | Level 2 | |||||
JWST | ||||||
Sun | ||||||
Mercury | ||||||
Venus | ||||||
Earth | Moon | Hubble | ||||
Mars | Phobos | Deimos | ||||
Jupiter | Io | Europa | Ganymede | Callisto | Amalthea | Ananke |
Elara | Pasiphae | Sinope | Lysithea | Carme | Themisto | |
Leda | Thebe | Adrastea | Metis | Callirrhoe | Erinome | |
Taygete | Chaldene | Harpalyke | Kalyke | Iocaste | Aitne | |
Isonoe | Praxidike | Autonoe | Thyone | Hermippe | Kale | |
Eurydome | Euanthe | Euporie | Orthosie | Sponde | Thelxinoe | |
Megaclite | Pasithee | Hegemone | Mneme | Aoeda | Cyllene | |
Arche | Kallichore | Helike | Carpo | Eukelade | Pandia | |
Kore | Herse | Dia | Valetudo | Himalia | Ersa | |
Saturn | Mimas | Enceladus | Tethys | Dione | Rhea | Titan |
Hyperion | Iapetus | Phoebe | Janus | Epimetheus | Helene | |
Telesto | Calypso | Atlas | Prometheus | Pandora | Pan | |
Ymir | Paaliaq | Tarvos | Ijiraq | Suttungr | Kiviuq | |
Mundilfari | Albiorix | Skathi | Erriapus | Siarnaq | Thrymr | |
Narvi | Methone | Pallene | Polydeuces | Daphnis | Aegir | |
Bebhionn | Bergelmir | Bestla | Farbauti | Fenrir | Fornjot | |
Hati | Hyrrokkin | Kari | Loge | Skoll | Surtur | |
Anthe | Jarnsaxa | Greip | Tarqeq | Aegaeon | Gridr | |
Angrboda | Skrymir | Gerd | Eggther | Beli | Gunnlod | |
Thiazzi | Alvaldi | Geirrod | ||||
Uranus | Ariel | Umbriel | Titania | Oberon | Miranda | Cordelia |
Ophelia | Bianca | Cressida | Desdemona | Juliet | Portia | |
Rosalind | Belinda | Puck | Caliban | Sycorax | Prospero | |
Setebos | Stephano | Trinculo | Francisco | Margaret | Ferdinand | |
Perdita | Mab | Cupid | ||||
Neptune | Triton | Nereid | Naiad | Thalassa | Despina | Galatea |
Larissa | Proteus | Halimede | Psamathe | Sao | Laomedeia | |
Neso | Hippocamp | |||||
Pluto | Charon | Nix | Hydra | Kerberos | Styx | |
Ceres | ||||||
Haumea | Hiiaka | Namaka | ||||
Eris | Dysnomia | |||||
Makemake |