JWST Data Discovery
Content Migration
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The MAST Discovery Portal is the multi-mission web interface for discovering, visualizing, assessing, and retrieving calibrated data products from the JWST science calibration pipeline. The MAST JWST Search web interface offers a much wider variety of JWST-specific query criteria to search and retrieve JWST data. Both interfaces also serve the associated calibration, guide star, and engineering data products.
On this page
Accessing JWST data
Words in bold are GUI menus/
panels or data software packages;
bold italics are buttons in GUI
tools or package parameters.
Data product types
The JWST Data Management System (DMS) produces many products for each JWST observation, including the science files produced by the science calibration pipeline. The exact type and number of products depends upon the instrument, its configuration, and operating mode. Consult the Data Product Types article for a detailed description of the internal organization and content of each science product, and the Data Product File Formats article for all product types.
MAST Discovery Portal
MAST implements various protocols of the Virtual Observatory (VO) including those for image, table, and spectral data access. As part of these protocols, MAST core services operate using the Common Archive Observation Model (CAOM). As a result, MAST data can be searched and retrieved by VO-aware applications.
Archived data
The MAST Portal offers great flexibility in customizing queries to identify datasets from several hosted NASA missions to explore and retrieve. See the JWST Data Exploration article for a detailed example of a search for JWST science data using the Portal. The following tutorials may be helpful for new Portal users:
Minimum recommended data products
Of the many different data products produced by the processing pipeline, a subset has been identified as essential for extracting the intended science from the data, or for users who wish to recalibrate lower-level products with the calibration pipeline on their own platforms. See the Minimum Recommended Products (MRP) article in the MAST Portal Guide for details.
MRP Checkbox
MRP products are selected by default in the MAST Portal. The MRP checkbox in the Download Manager must be de-selected in order to view and retrieve raw- and intermediate-level data products, and all ancillary products including guide star data.
Engineering data
Data associated with the thousands of engineering telemetry points on JWST are stored in the MAST Engineering Database. Engineering data are obtained contemporaneously but are not packaged with the science data. See the Engineering Data article in the JWST Archive Manual for context. The data take the form of time series, and they may be searched with the Archive User Interface (AUI) by means of an identifier, or mnemonic. See the Using the Engineering Data Portal article in the JWST Archive Manual for details. Users may access the engineering database via a direct link to the query interface or, after querying the Portal for science data, through a link on each row of a search results table.
Anticipated data
At any given time some observations in a program may have been executed, archived, and become available to the community. Some archived observations may temporarily be restricted to those with exclusive access while still other observations may remain to be obtained. Investigating teams and the broader community each have an interest in data availability. In order to encourage the greatest possible use of JWST data in MAST, a subscription service will notify registered and subscribed users when one of the following observation-related events occur:
- new observations are archived,
- archived data have been reprocessed, or
- restricted-access data become available to the public.
Users may tune the notifications by mission, program ID, event type, and science product. Users may establish or cancel their subscription through the MAST Discovery Portal, change the media and frequency of notifications, and change the selection criteria for notifications. See the following tutorial:
Planned observations
MAST provides the capability to compare the position of one or more user targets against extant and planned observations to identify potentially duplicate observations. Duplicated observations are, in general, not allowed so it is in the proposer's best interest to perform this check prior to submitting a proposal for review. Read the article Identifying Potential JWST Duplicate Observations to see how to query planned observations.
The orientation of planned observations will not be known precisely until they are scheduled. Therefore, the position given in MAST of any planned parallel observations will not be accurate, and could be different from the listed coordinates by up to several arcminutes.
Planned observations are not currently queryable in the mission-specific JWST Search interface.
Virtual observatory tools
Many community software applications are capable of accessing remote data using protocols developed for the Virtual Observatory. You may have used them before without being fully aware of how such data were obtained. Table 1 provides an incomplete list of community, VO-aware applications for visualizing and exploring archived astronomical images, spectra, and catalogs:
Table 1. An incomplete list of community, VO-aware applications for visualizing and exploring archived astronomical data
Application | Primary Strength | Description |
Aladin | Analysis | Interactive sky atlas, capable of overlaying archived images and source catalogs |
DataScope | Discovery | Position-based search engine for astronomical archives |
SAOimage/DS9 | Analysis | Image display tool, capable of overlaying archived source catalogs |
SIMBAD | Retrieval | Astronomical catalog search engine |
SkyView | Discovery | Astronomical image search engine |
TOPCAT | Analysis | Catalog cross-match, filtering, sub-setting, and visualization tool |
VizieR | Retrieval | Astronomical catalog search engine |
Pence, W. D., et al. 2010, A&A, 524, A42
Definition of the Flexible Image Transport System (FITS), version 3.0