JWST Data Analysis Visualization Tool

Content Migration

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The JWST Data Analysis Visualization (Jdaviz) tool is a specific component of the broader analysis tool ecosystem designed to work seamlessly with Astropy within a Jupyter notebook. The visualization tools also may be operated as standalone desktop applications or as embedded windows within a website.

See also: Jdaviz Software Page (external)

Words in bold are GUI menus/
panels or data software packages; 
bold italics are buttons in GUI
tools or package parameters.

The tool currently has 4 configurations:

  • Imviz is a 2-D image viewer.
  • Specviz is a tool for visualization and quick-look analysis of 1-D astronomical spectra. 
  • Cubeviz provides access to and manipulation of spectroscopic data cubes (like those produced by JWST MIRI MRS or NIRSpec IFU), along with 1-D spectra extractions from the cube.
  • Mosviz is a visualization tool for viewing multi-object spectrograph data (e.g., JWST NIRSpec MOS mode), and includes viewers for 2-D and 1-D spectra as well as contextual information like on-sky views of the spectrograph slit.

  The Jdaviz tools have demonstration videos available on the JWST Observer YouTube channel.

Imviz video demos


1:59Opening Image Data: This video is the first in a series of beginner tutorial videos on Imviz. It will demonstrate how to open imaging data in Imviz.
1:24Overplotting a Catalog: This video is the second in a series of beginner tutorial videos on Imviz. It will demonstrate a common practice of overplotting markers corresponding to a catalog, in this instance the photometry catalog output from the JWST pipeline.
1:36Aligning Images: This video is the third in a series of beginner tutorial videos on Imviz. It will demonstrate how to open 2 images side-by-side in 2 separate windows and link them by WCS.
1:50Exploring the Plugin Toolbar: This video is the fourth in a series of beginner tutorial videos on Imviz. It will demonstrate how to interact with the data using the tool itself, as opposed to using the notebook.
3:45Aperture Photometry: This video is the fifth, and last, in a series of beginner tutorial videos on Imviz. It will demonstrate how to perform aperture photometry.

Specviz video demos


2:24Open a Spectrum: This video is the first in a series of beginner tutorial videos on Specviz. It will demonstrate how to open a spectrum in Specviz.
1:58Model Fitting: This video is the second in a series of beginner tutorial videos on Specviz. It will demonstrate how to define spectral subsets for model fitting. In this case, the goal is to fit a background continuum model.
3:10Line Analysis: This video is the third in a series of beginner tutorial videos on Specviz. It will first demonstrate how to subtract a model from a spectrum. In this case, the goal is to subtract a background continuum model. Then it will show how to analyze a background-subtracted spectral line within the tool, including the flux, equivalent width, and redshift.

Jdaviz is built using using the glue visualization framework. For users who are interested in using glue in contexts beyond those provided for in jdaviz, please visit https://glueviz.org for download links and more information.

Latest updates

  • Updates for ERO and commissioning data public release. Added table of videos.
Originally published